Bramble trimming needed for Ms V: part 2 (flexible)(wk3)

Ms V will be able to access and enjoy the garden again if it is made wheelchair accessible by removing the brambles.

2-3 GoodGymers needed • Ms V of SW18 is available:

Tue 11th February 15:00
Wed 12th February 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00
Thu 13th February 11:00 13:00 15:00 17:00
Fri 14th February 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00
7 hours left to sign up
Weeding and tidying greenery for Ms V (wk3)(flexi)

As she is frail, elderly, and living alone, she cannot get this done without the kind help of GoodGym volunteers.

1-2 GoodGymers needed • Ms V of E15 is available:

Tue 11th February 15:00
Wed 12th February 10:00 12:00 14:00
Thu 13th February 11:00 13:00 15:00
Fri 14th February 10:00 12:00 14:00
Sat 15th February 10:00-11:00 13:00 15:00
Sun 16th February 10:00-12:00 14:00
7 hours left to sign up
Clearing leaves for Mr A (flexi) (Wk3)

He will be able to enjoy his yard when the weather is wamer

1-2 GoodGymers needed • Mr A of SE15 is available:

Tue 11th February 15:00-16:00
Wed 12th February 12:00 14:00-16:00
Thu 13th February 12:00 14:00-16:00
Fri 14th February 12:00 14:00-16:00
Sat 15th February 12:00 14:00-16:00
7 hours left to sign up
Declutter of paper work for Mrs P: part 3 (wk2)(flexi)

Mrs P will be able to be clutter free and enjoy her space again

1-2 GoodGymers needed • Mrs P of SE15 is available:

Tue 11th February 15:00
Wed 12th February 10:00-15:00
Thu 13th February 10:00-14:00
Fri 14th February 10:00-15:00
7 hours left to sign up
Mowing and general garden tidy up for Ms N (Wk2)(flexi)

Ms N is elderly and due to her health, she cannot upkeep the garden by herself.

1-2 GoodGymers needed • Ms N of N16 is available:

Tue 11th February 15:00
Wed 12th February 10:00-15:00
Thu 13th February 10:00-15:00
Fri 14th February 10:00-14:00
7 hours left to sign up
Mounting TV and bracket on the wall for Mr A (flexi) (wk2)

Installing the TV will help to support Mr A's mental health and give him audio company in his home.

2-3 GoodGymers needed • Mr A of UB5 is available:

Tue 11th February 15:00
Wed 12th February 10:00-13:00 15:00
Thu 13th February 10:00-15:00
Fri 14th February 10:00-15:00
7 hours left to sign up
Weeding the garden for Ms M (flexi) (wk2)

Ms M will be able to enjoy her garden again in time for spring

1-2 GoodGymers needed • Mrs M of N1 is available:

Tue 11th February 15:00-16:00
Wed 12th February 10:00-14:00
Thu 13th February 10:00-14:00
Fri 14th February 10:00-14:00
7 hours left to sign up
Weeding and tidying for Ms G (flexi) (wk2)

It will help Ms G enjoy the garden as we approach the spring and summer

  • Richmond runner
1 GoodGymers signed up

1-2 GoodGymers needed • Ms G of TW4 is available:

Tue 11th February 15:00
Wed 12th February 12:00-15:00
Thu 13th February 10:00-15:00
Fri 14th February 10:00-15:00
7 hours left to sign up
Clearing leaves for Mr A (flexi) (Wk2)

He will be able to enjoy his garden when the weather is wamer

1-2 GoodGymers needed • Mr A of SE15 is available:

Tue 11th February 15:00-16:00
Wed 12th February 10:00-14:00
Thu 13th February 10:00-15:00
Fri 14th February 10:00-14:00
7 hours left to sign up
Gardening support for Mrs G (wk1)(flexi)

This will mean that Mrs G is able to enjoy her garden again and remember her husband as they both enjoyed being in the garden.

1-2 GoodGymers needed • Mrs G of YO26 is available:

Tue 11th February 15:00
Wed 12th February 10:00-13:00
Thu 13th February 10:00-13:00
Fri 14th February 10:00-16:00
7 hours left to sign up
Help with Filing for Ms D (wk1)(flexi)

Will help with her mental health as it will help her to sort information needed for medical appointments. Has mobility issues so this will help keep things out of the way and from cluttering her home.

2 GoodGymers needed • Ms D of SE12 is available:

Tue 11th February 15:00-16:00
Wed 12th February 11:00-14:00
Thu 13th February 11:00-14:00
Fri 14th February 11:00-14:00
Sat 15th February 11:00-14:00
7 hours left to sign up
Clearing and sweeping Mrs N's front garden (flexi) (wk2)

Mrs N's front garden is over-growing and she's unable to tend to it herself. Clearing it would give her a real boost!

1-2 GoodGymers needed • Mrs N of E8 is available:

Tue 11th February 17:00-19:00
Wed 12th February 12:00-15:00
Thu 13th February 12:00-15:00
Fri 14th February 12:00-15:00
9 hours left to sign up
Community mission
09:55 - 11:15
Yoga with Paul Tuesday 9.55am

strengthen, stretch and relax the body

6 runners going 29 places left!
Training session
10:30 - 12:15
All Saint's Tuesday Food Bank

Prepare and distribute food parcels

2 runners going 4 places left!
Community mission
Community mission
16:45 - 18:35 3km
Helping out in a Charity Shop

To help disabled people enjoy equality and fairness

6 runners going 1 place left!
Group run
18:15 - 20:00 6km
Group Task 07 - tbc

Coming soon

9 runners going
Group run
18:20 - 20:05 5km
Group Run/Walk - 11 Feb

Spreading GoodGym loveliness in the city

6 runners going 24 places left!
Group run
18:30 - 20:00 2km
Group Run and Task

Improving green spaces in Exeter

3 runners going
Group run

Increase your motivation to exercise

Help make your area a better place to live

Connect with great people and projects

Before GoodGym I always lost motivation to stick at running or the gym but now I run two or three times a week.

Hazel, GoodGym Barnet

Running with GoodGym is great because I get fit, do good and get to hang with a load of awesome people.

Mark, GoodGym Islington

GoodGym combines doing good with running, which helps me forget I'm even exercising. It's great!

Judy, GoodGym Lambeth
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