GoodGym United

26 Goodgymers helped their local community in Southwark
Sian Waugh
Ed Moore
Bella Taylor
Katy Hulm
Laura Grant
George Woolfrey
Charlie Linton
Julian Osman
Sam Lefevre
Laura Williams
Sara Brimble
Chi Nwa
Removed User
Simon Fitzmaurice
Laura N
1 / 16

Saturday 16th July 2022

Sam Lefevre
Sam Lefevre


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Report written by Sam Lefevre (he/him)

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More photos to be uploaded from Chi.

24 GoodGymers and a few non-GG friends gathered in Victoria Park by The People's Park Tavern to enjoy a socially competitive round robin rounders tournament.

Unlike the first tournament in Clapham Common last month, the weather showed up and brought us blistering heat and sun! One could be mistaken that we were in a park in Spain, Italy or France 😳

With the gazebo set up and rounders set laid out, all we needed to do was put on some summer tunes and wait for everyone to show up.

One by one and in groups, GoodGymers from across London (from Hammersmith & Fulham to Bromley and from Haringey to Lambeth) gathered in the predetermined spot. It was a "first come, first placed in your team area". Sam knew there weren't going to be more than 30 people, so the original idea of four teams playing semis, 3rd/4th place and a final was scratched and replaced with a round robin tournament of three teams with the third team being a mix match of GoodGymers from all areas - GoodGym United.

The defending Champions were on first. "Ninety Nine Problems but a Northerner ain't one" decided to pitch first as the "Southern Softies" fielded. In the first game, we decided to do two innings as the first innings went by in a flash. Northerners scored 3 rounders as the Southerners replied with 6 & 1/2 rounders. Yet, after a water break, the Northerners used the blaring sun to turn on the heat by going 6 rounders ahead. It was a tense and long second innings for Southern Softies as they were four players down and still needed to score 1 & 1/2 rounders to win! Marta got the first 1/2 rounder and then Sam stepped up to the plate to score and showboat the winning rounder (to umpire Jonathan dislike).

We reduced the second and third game to one innings as that second innings from the first game took forever to complete!

Southern Softies wasted no time and were on against GoodGym United who batted first and scored an unbeatable 13 rounders with half of it coming from big hitting Ed. Southern Softies reply was just a 3 rounders and 5 players were out before the ninth player Sam could even bat! 😳

GoodGym United showed us that they were the team to beat as they had a good setup in fielding and in batting.

The final game was GoodGym United against the defending champions "99 problems but a Northerner ain't one". If the defending champs won, it would have been all square for wins and losses for each team, but it wasn't to be! Fast spinner Denise, backstop Ed and first base Emma had an effective system like they did against "Southern Softies". They reduced "99 problems but a Northerner ain't one" to 3 & 1/2 rounders. So it was only time that the team made up of members from the North & South of the river plus non-GGers would hit 4 & 1/2 rounders to claim the trophy - a Prosecco shower 🍾💦

  • 1st: GoodGym United - 2 wins out of 2
  • 2nd: Southern Softies - 1 win out of 2
  • 3rd: 99 problems but a Northerner ain't one - 0 wins out of 2

Congratulations to GoodGym United: Laura (team captain), Emma, Bella, Denise, Vicki, Darren, Ivy, Ceiling and player of the tournament, Ed

Thanks to everyone for showing up and getting into a very social and respectful tournament of rounders! It was a pleasure to organise and until next time, take care!

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Greenwich runner

Sun 17th Jul 2022 at 11:45am

Thanks for organising Sam! It was a great afternoon :)

Sam Lefevre
Sam Lefevre (he/him)

Sun 17th Jul 2022 at 11:49am

My pleasure! Any excuse to show off my rounders skills 😜 and bring out the gazebo too 😂 Thanks for coming to both rounders socials and can't wait for the next one -TBC 👀


Mon 18th Jul 2022 at 8:18am

Fast spinner Denise or was that spin bowler Denise?! Hee ,hee. A fabulous game of rounders. The last time I played, I was in primary school. A few years back now! Thank you Sam for hosting a super Saturday social.

Sam Lefevre
Sam Lefevre (he/him)

Mon 18th Jul 2022 at 8:55am

She had a range of bowling techniques....who knew?! 👀 That's the beauty of rounders you can easily pick up the sport after many many years. You're welcome and hope to organise another before the end of summer 😬

Greenwich runner

Mon 18th Jul 2022 at 10:39am

Amazing rounders game on a super fun Saturday afternoon! Thanks for organising Sam! Looking forward to the next one! :)

Julian Osman

Mon 18th Jul 2022 at 12:00pm

Thanks for organising Sam, was great fun

Bella Taylor

Mon 18th Jul 2022 at 8:52pm

Go good gymUnited!!

Jonathan (he/him)

Thu 21st Jul 2022 at 12:40pm

Lovely to see you all, the next one in September is on the 10th, sign up here:

Join us on our next session


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MelissaBrenda SMITH
2 GoodGymers are going - 2 spaces left! 👀