Laura Grant


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Group Run: Litter Pick Bingo + Monthly Social [Peckham Bowls]
🗓Wednesday 31st July 6:30pm

📍Old Spike Roastery SE15 4JR

Clean up the streets around Peckham, Nunhead and East Dulwich

Emma McNallyMaria KostouliaSam HardingDavid
9 GoodGymers are going
Latest activity
Laura Grant
Laura Grant went on a group run

Mon 22nd Jul at 7:00pm

Weed don't need no hedgucation

Bromley Report written by Cat

Well it was an hedgucation for me tonight as it was my first time leading a group run without Mark's supervision but luckily I had 12 awesome GoodGymmers to rely on for moral support. After a run down of our favourite ice creams (why do other countries always have cooler flavours than the UK?!) we made our way to Alexandra Recreation Ground to meet Linda and the other Friends of the Parks volunteers.

Big shout out to Hannah for leading the walking group, Stephen for backmarking the runners and Jing who was attending her first session and bravely accepted the challenge of running the long way round up the hill to the task!

Once we got to the park, Gill and Linda had us pulling out weeds that were diverting nutrients from the hedge saplings planted earlier in the year. Many hands made light work of this task and we had cleared most of the bed within 40 minutes before taking the shorter route back to the Bridge House for some post-run stretches.

Nice work team!

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Linda GatleyHarvey GallagherHannah

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Linda Gatley

Tue 23rd Jul at 10:18am


Laura Grant
Laura Grant signed up to a race.

Sun 15th Sep at 12:30pm

Marathon* Du Malton 10KM

Combined GoodGym race and social - join us for the competition, stay for the refreshments!

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Laura Grant
Laura Grant signed up to a training session.

Fri 26th Jul at 12:15pm

Friday Lunch Run Club!

Join our friendly and inclusive group for 30 minutes :)

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James SmithOlive
Laura Grant
Laura Grant went on a group run

Fri 19th Jul at 10:00am

Where are the tall guys when you need them?

Greenwich Report written by Linda Boscic

On the hottest day of the year so far Louise was happy for accompany me on my 1st Team Lead role. We met at St Mary’s Gates of Greenwich park where we proceeded to jog to each of the 7 benches along the Herbaceous border stopping to complete a set of squats, press ups, left/right lunges, tricep dips, more press ups and finishing with a final set of squats.

We then slowly jogged to Christchurch School Community Gardens where Patrick admitted that the gardens had started to take over and asked if we could clear some of the over growth which was starting to cause a problem to those walking along the pavement. We got to work cutting back this growth but would have liked some help from our vertically challenged friends, but not too be so we did the best we could and ended up filling 4 wheelbarrows full. Before we knew it we had almost completed an hour and very much in need of a rest and some more hydration.

A very enjoyable morning which we hope will become a regular outing for anybody who wants to split their day with some exercise & volunteering.

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Linda Gatley
OliveSam Lefevre
Laura Grant
Laura Grant signed up to a group run.

Mon 22nd Jul at 7:00pm

Laura Grant
Laura Grant signed up to a group run.

Fri 19th Jul at 10:00am

Laura Grant
Laura Grant went on a group run

Mon 1st Jul at 6:45pm

Water you doing? Oh, just going with the flow!

Lewisham Report written by Kim Parker

Welcome to Janet and Andy who were joining us on their group run and what seems to be tradition, you joined us on one of our longer runs to PNK Garden. Hopefully we'll see you at future GoodGym sessions!

Once we tackled Deptford High St and as soon as we see the golden arches in the distance we know we're nearly at our task for the evening.

Our task for the evening was to water all the vegetable plants and every pretty looking plant in the garden and some of them were looking pretty thirsty after the recent warm weather!

Our second task for the evening was to clear all the brambles that had previously been chopped back to make the edge of the garden a bit tidier.

If we got all those tasks done then the next task was weeding and of course we got to that. We managed to squeeze in a little 5 min of power weeding.

Next week we're heading to Florence Green to shift some bark and remove the protective wrapping from the baby trees! This has been a regular monthly community mission but now it's going to be our first group run there!

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Linda GatleyJulian OsmanSam LefevreHarvey Gallagher
Laura Grant
Laura Grant signed up to a group run.

Mon 1st Jul at 6:45pm

Laura Grant
Laura Grant went on a community mission

Mon 17th Jun at 7:00pm

Mulching Around

Southwark Report written by Laura Grant

On a beautiful sunny evening in Southwark, five Good Gymmers turned their hands to distributing mulch across the community flower beds. 1 hour later and the task was complete!

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Harvey Gallagher
