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🏃‍♂️🚶‍♂️ Excavating Crystal Palace Museum's Water Tower Base
🗓Monday 29th July 7:00pm

📍The Bridge House SE20 8RZ

So the space can be accessed as part of Museum tours

MichaelJoel Coppersmith
8 GoodGymers are going
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Kelsey (She/Her) earned their community cape by completing their first community mission. 🥳

Tuesday 23rd July

Community Cape

Community Cape

Kelsey (She/Her) earned their community cape by completing their first community mission.

Kelsey completed a community mission. Instead of watching TV or lying in bed, Kelsey was out there making their community a better place to be. For making that choice they have earned the community cape.

Linda GatleyMark Gilyead
Kelsey (She/Her) went on a group run

Mon 22nd Jul at 7:00pm

Weed don't need no hedgucation

Bromley Report written by Cat

Well it was an hedgucation for me tonight as it was my first time leading a group run without Mark's supervision but luckily I had 12 awesome GoodGymmers to rely on for moral support. After a run down of our favourite ice creams (why do other countries always have cooler flavours than the UK?!) we made our way to Alexandra Recreation Ground to meet Linda and the other Friends of the Parks volunteers.

Big shout out to Hannah for leading the walking group, Stephen for backmarking the runners and Jing who was attending her first session and bravely accepted the challenge of running the long way round up the hill to the task!

Once we got to the park, Gill and Linda had us pulling out weeds that were diverting nutrients from the hedge saplings planted earlier in the year. Many hands made light work of this task and we had cleared most of the bed within 40 minutes before taking the shorter route back to the Bridge House for some post-run stretches.

Nice work team!

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Mark GilyeadLinda Gatley

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Linda Gatley

Tue 23rd Jul at 10:18am


Kelsey (She/Her) went on a community mission

Fri 19th Jul at 7:00pm

Oh Water Night!

Bromley Report written by Mark Gilyead (he/him)

The heat of last week seems a long time ago... but it was enough for an emergency callout from the Blenheim and Arpley Residents Association for some help with some watering at their new community garden.

Equipped with a couple of watering cans and a big plastic bottle (v. resourceful) we managed to get round all the plants from hops to potatoes and ensured they were nicely soaked.

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Linda GatleyMark Gilyead
Kelsey (She/Her) signed up to a community mission.

Fri 19th Jul at 7:00pm

LAST MINUTE MISSION - Watering a community garden in Penge

Help keep some new plantings alive in this crazy heat 🥵

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Kelsey (She/Her) went on a group run

Mon 15th Jul at 7:00pm

In Burr Land, In Burr Land, In Burr Land, In Burr Land, Nah, Nah.

Bromley Report written by Mark Gilyead (he/him)

Fresh off the back of England's defeat at the Euros, our incredible nine-up were shaking off the blues with a good deed for Penge's Salvation Army.

It was lovely to have Charlie back from injury, but very sad to be saying farewell to Nick who is headed off to tread new ground.

We kicked off with our top players from the match. I agree with Kelsey and Catherine that Jonny Longlegs was on top form. Then we split in two.

Cat led the run there crew whilst Charlie, Hannah and I took a stroll to the Sally Army building.

We were met by Becky who had tools and bags-a-plenty, and a jungle of burr-covered weeds to tackle.

Harry took a corner. Clare took our breath away (literally, with mozzie spray). And Catherine dismantled a wee tree - no way it can come back from that.

The rain was due to pour, but fortunately we played a blinder and managed to finish in half-time.

What a team!

We promptly followed this up with a celebratory beverage in honour of Nick.

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Mark Gilyead

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Anastasia Hancock

Wed 17th Jul at 10:23am

This run report title is amazing! :)

Kelsey (She/Her) signed up to a group run.

Mon 12th Aug at 7:00pm

Mark Gilyead
Kelsey (She/Her) signed up to a group run.

Mon 5th Aug at 7:00pm

Mark Gilyead
Kelsey (She/Her) signed up to a group run.

Mon 29th Jul at 7:00pm

Kelsey (She/Her) signed up to a group run.

Mon 22nd Jul at 7:00pm

Kelsey (She/Her) signed up to a group run.

Mon 15th Jul at 7:00pm

Mark Gilyead
