York Carers Centre

Our vision is to ensure that unpaid carers throughout York are valued, recognized and supported with equal access to a good quality of life that is not prejudiced by their caring role.
Our mission is to challenge the inequalities that carers face and ensure, through partnership working, that carers of all ages and backgrounds have their voice heard and have access to quality support and services reflecting their identified needs and interests.

24 GoodGymers have supported York Carers Centre with 12 tasks.

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Previous sessions
YorkCommunity mission
Laura Barrett
LeanneMichal CzekajloPeteEmmaDavid Barrett

Mug Shots of "Bear"in Gifts

Saturday 13th November 2021

Written by Laura Barrett

We were asked to deliver bear hug mugs to carers as part of an online grief and bereavement course they are doing. I collected the mugs and coordinated them getting to 6 more Goodgymers who delivered them to their respective addresses. This was not without its challenges for some of our delivery runners and cyclists. Pete had to go back on a second day as it turned out the recipient had moved and the first house he went to was completely empty. Egg cycled out to a remote village to find that it wasn't possible to get down the private drive to the actual address. Luckily she was able to pass it to someone who could. Emma arrived to find a message about leaving deliveries in a box. Leanne, Michal and David delivered all had straightforward if lengthy deliveries for their mugs, with David running a half marathon to deliver his to a village on one side of York and Michal delivering to a village on the other.

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YorkCommunity mission
MitchVicky HearsonLeanne

Healthy snacks for Carers

Saturday 14th August 2021

Written by Michal Czekajlo

Our friends at the York Carers Centre asked us to help with delivery of materials and ingredients for the planned nutritional advice session for unpaid carers across York. The aim of the session is to improve the carers wellbeing and that of their cared-for person.

Four GoodGym Yorkies helped with the task of delivering parcels full of healthy ingredients to 6 addresses across York enabling carers to participate fully in the Zoom session.

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YorkCommunity mission
John BourtonPete

Care packs clayfully delivered

Sunday 25th April 2021

Written by Pete

Another task for Yok carers who do a great job supporting young carers in York and have adapted during COVID to provide engaging group sessions on line. In order to do this the carers often need creative packs delivered in advance. Monday's session was to be clay modelling so myself and John were quite happy getting some sun whilst delivering to 6 locations between us. Lovely to chat to the grateful recipients on the doorstep but regrettably I couldnt help with some of the A level homework - I would never pass one now !!

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YorkCommunity mission
DarrenDom Tooze

Ready for spring planting

Tuesday 20th April 2021

Written by Michal Czekajlo

Dom and Darren mounted their bikes to deliver spring planting materials to adult carers in Woodthorpe, Southbank and Bishopthorpe in time for a themed Zoom session.

The project is aimed at helping carers to maintain their own wellbeing by providing a session on seed planting and an activity which they can do either on their own for a break form their caring, or with the person they care for. Carers have found the pandemic incredibly stressful and these sessions are a way of providing some connection with one another whilst enabling those who are anxious or unable to go out and meet in person.

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YorkCommunity mission
PaulaAbi PerrinJenna DruryLeanneDebs Sharpe

Egg-stra tablet delivery

Sunday 28th March 2021

Written by Michal Czekajlo

GG Yorkies responded fantastically to a call from the York Carers Centre for help with delivery of IT equipment (tablets with chargers) and Easter eggs to 44 young carers across the city. Today’s windy weather wasn’t an obstacle big enough for the 10 of us to mount our bikes, or go on foot and complete all deliveries within one afternoon.

The Young Carers Team supports young people who provide unpaid care for a relative. The tablets will enable them to participate in online sessions designed to provide a break from caring responsibilities and a boost to their wellbeing, while the chocolate Easter eggs will be needed for their themed session on Tuesday, yum!

Tempted by it Pete decided to go to the shops and get a supply of chocolate eggs for himself.

Jenna took the opportunity for a doorstep chat with few of the young people she was delivering for.

Paula found herself inspired to go for a bike ride on a day she wouldn't normally venture out.

Two of Leanne recipients weren’t at home, but she happily went out again couple hours later, using it as an excuse for extra cake consumption for the energy boost.

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YorkCommunity mission
MitchLaura BarrettMichael LeadbetterDebs SharpePaula
Michal Czekajlo

Difference makers

Sunday 21st March 2021

Written by Michal Czekajlo

This time Young Carers Team at Young Carers Centre asked us to help with delivery of art materials to young carers across the city in time for their Easter themed Zoom session. The weather was great on Sunday and Monday making our deliveries by bike and on foot very pleasant. We went as far as Wheldrake, or Rufforth and by the sunset on Monday successfully delivered 29 art packs consisting of acrylic paints, paint brushes and an egg cups.

The Zoom art session is designed to give young people a break from caring responsibilities and a boost to their wellbeing and we feel privileged to be able to help to make it happen. A father of one of the art pack recipients was helped by us recently, when we delivered a pulse oximeter for him. Debs was the lucky one to chat with them.

I just want to say, you guys are brilliant. One of you dropped off a pulse oximeter a couple of weeks ago, and it probably saved my husband's life. His oxygen was 93 and dropped to 89 a couple of hours later, so he spent 2 days in hospital, but is now loads better. So if you ever think ''oh I can't be bothered'', that’s the difference you're making... thank you!''

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