Mug Shots of "Bear"in Gifts

7 Goodgymers helped their local community in York
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Saturday 13th November 2021

Report written by Laura Barrett

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We were asked to deliver bear hug mugs to carers as part of an online grief and bereavement course they are doing. I collected the mugs and coordinated them getting to 6 more Goodgymers who delivered them to their respective addresses. This was not without its challenges for some of our delivery runners and cyclists. Pete had to go back on a second day as it turned out the recipient had moved and the first house he went to was completely empty. Egg cycled out to a remote village to find that it wasn't possible to get down the private drive to the actual address. Luckily she was able to pass it to someone who could. Emma arrived to find a message about leaving deliveries in a box. Leanne, Michal and David delivered all had straightforward if lengthy deliveries for their mugs, with David running a half marathon to deliver his to a village on one side of York and Michal delivering to a village on the other.

Session Leader
Run leader
This task supported
York Carers Centre
Our vision is to ensure that unpaid carers throughout York are valued, recognized and supported with equal access to a good quality of life that is not prejudiced by their caring role.

Our mission is to challenge the inequalities that carers face and ensure, through partnership working, that carers of all ages and backgrounds have their voice heard and have access to quality support and services reflecting their identified needs and interests.

See more
David Barrett
Laura Barrett
Michal Czekajlo
Join us on our next session


Raking and Footpath Repair at the Kings Path Wildflower Meadow
🗓Today 11:00am

It will enhance this green space, especially for the residents of Lincoln Court which is adjacent to the site.

Stefan DurkinMichal Czekajlo
3 GoodGymers are going - 12 spaces left! 👀

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Nicky Woodall
Nicky Woodall (she/her)

Thu 18th Nov 2021 at 11:09pm

Amazing, thank you so much everyone for all your efforts to get these delivered. And to Laura for coordinating it all!