Laura Williams

GoodGym Tower Hamlets

Tower HamletsCommunity mission
Fiona MKat MaceMartinLucinda Lui

Plant wait 'till next time

Monday 22nd July

Written by Laura Williams

What a beautiful evening for tonight's task!

Shortly before 7 a good-sized group gathered in the corner of the Royal London Hospital forecourt to speed through tonight's short fitness session.

It was a fantastic area to workout in, complete with steps and small walls, perfect for shoulder-taps and step-ups.

We headed over to meet the rest of the team after a few stretches, delighted to see how steadily our little group was growing.

Following a briefing from Nancy and Richard, we divided into small teams, each tackling one of these large planters.

The planters are a good addition to the A&E area of The Royal London Hospital, but needed a good weeding after a damp and mild start to summer. Armed with gloves and bin bags, off we headed, determined to get the better of some giant thistles, nettles & co.

To say it didn't take the team long was an understatement. The first planter was clear well before 7:30, leaving plenty of time to turn the soil, ready for Operation Planter Part II.

With a new team put to work on weed and rubbish disposal, we were done and dusted - literally - at a quarter to 8!

What a fun evening.

A big shout-out to the team, especially to Ismet, who joined for his first, brilliant task.

Next week, we're back to the Yurt Cafe for one last final push in the landscaping project!

Until then.

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Tower HamletsGroup run
Kitty WalshIlanaDavid RamptonCarolTyler BatchelorIvo

Once You Chop, You Can’t Stop

Monday 15th July

Written by Laura Williams

A team of three headed from the Town Hall Hotel to the Cranbrook Community Centre this evening, running the leafier route of Sewardstone Road. On arrival at the Centre we became four as we spend the final few minutes before our task on a couple of body weight moves and plenty of stretches.

We started our task at 7-prompt.

It’s been a while since we visited Janet and Eileen at this well-used Centre and after a strong start to summer for both hedge growth and Community Centre parties, our little team were soon put to work.

Making our way along the pavement railings, we chopped hedges and shrubs back so that they no longer posted a health and safety issue, before heading around to the back garden to rescue discarded toys from over the fence. Add in a litter-pick and a bit of fencing TLC, and it was quite the varied task.

As 8pm approached the heavens opened.

With the finishing touches to the hedge makeover complete, the team scurried underneath the Centre roof, waiting patiently for me to miscount choppers and loppers.

A lovely evening’s task – well done everyone. And a great big GoodGym shout-out to Carol for her spectacular first Monday night task.

Next week, we head to the Royal London Hospital, to tackle many large weeds in front of A&E.

Until then.

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Tower HamletsCommunity mission

London Fields Junior parkrun

Sunday 14th July

Written by Tower Hamlets runner

An amazing Sunday morning in Hackney, I arrived midpoint during my Sunday long run to meet Steve and his daughters who set about organising the event. The London Fields park rangers are such great supporters and helped us get access to the kit so that we could make sure everything was in place for the runners. London Fields is one of the many gems of outdoor London. The Lido always seems to be popular whatever the weather and it was so good to see so many park users whether it is all the junior Sunday league football teams, runners, cylclists and scooterers, or those out for a morning constitutional. When the weather was as lovely as it was this morning anything seems possible and so it was for our enthusiastic horde of runners. Steve led the warm up and I felt the responsibility of being the time keeper. 3,2,1, and they were off. It is a timeless joy to see so many children charge across a field full of energy and excitement. The two girls who led from the start and romped home in first and second place were such great adverts for 'This girl Can'; but of course the real heroes are everyone who turned up and took part (and the adults, who go them ready and coached them round) Time keeping kept and all runners through we cleared up and put the kit away ready for the next week. Now for me it was just the small matter of the second 8 1/2 mile run back! All good preparation for the Big Half as a Good Gym runner!

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Tower HamletsGroup run
Fiona MIvo

Rakey-breaky Park

Monday 20th May

Written by Emma (She/they/them)

We joined Margaret and Ash from the Teesdale & Hollybush Tenants and Residents Association for our second May visit to help with some gardening tasks.

A group of us gathered at the Town Hall for some stretches and a pleasant evening jog over to the Hollbush Estates. There, we rallied more troops and received our mission brief.

We handed out the tools and started helping Margaret and the team to clear and tidy one of the community allotment spaces for the Hollybush Estate. While some of the group got stuck into weeding, others shovelled soil and dismantled the allotment beds. The wheel barrows raced back and forth to Rocky Gardens where the soil was put back to good use.

Many hands made light work of clearing the space, and it was satisfying to see the signs of our work. Well done everyone for clearing the space and making it feel loved again :-)

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Tower HamletsMission
Nick Moore

A duet of suet.

Saturday 13th July

Written by Nick Moore

Ms C is almost certainly baking a delicious pudding as I write this, as her top items today were two boxes of suet (which always reminds me of school dinners...). Fortunately having learned from a previous shopping expedition that her local ASDA is the place to go to find it, today's mission knitted together pretty easily along the Whitechapel Road, with a quick stop in Sainsbury's for her usual essentials en route. After a lengthy doorstep analysis of the prospects for all the players in this weekends Wimbledon finals, and tomorrow evening's football, I left Ms C to go and turn on the oven.

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Tower HamletsMission

A quick trim

Friday 12th July

Written by Reuben

Mrs A was very grateful for a quick trim of her lawns and removing a creeping vine from her garden - hopefully the neighbours tortoise appreciates it!

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