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Tower Hamlets

Saturday morning session at The Felix Project's Poplar depot
🗓Today 9:30am

📍The Felix Project E14 7BN

A great start to your weekend!

RebeccaJoannaLoboSander Heinsalu
4 GoodGymers are going
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Lobo signed up to a community mission.

Sun 28th Jul at 10:30am

Lobo signed up to a community mission.

Sat 27th Jul at 9:30am

Lobo went on a community mission

Mon 22nd Jul at 6:40pm

Plant wait 'till next time

Tower Hamlets Report written by Laura Williams

What a beautiful evening for tonight's task!

Shortly before 7 a good-sized group gathered in the corner of the Royal London Hospital forecourt to speed through tonight's short fitness session.

It was a fantastic area to workout in, complete with steps and small walls, perfect for shoulder-taps and step-ups.

We headed over to meet the rest of the team after a few stretches, delighted to see how steadily our little group was growing.

Following a briefing from Nancy and Richard, we divided into small teams, each tackling one of these large planters.

The planters are a good addition to the A&E area of The Royal London Hospital, but needed a good weeding after a damp and mild start to summer. Armed with gloves and bin bags, off we headed, determined to get the better of some giant thistles, nettles & co.

To say it didn't take the team long was an understatement. The first planter was clear well before 7:30, leaving plenty of time to turn the soil, ready for Operation Planter Part II.

With a new team put to work on weed and rubbish disposal, we were done and dusted - literally - at a quarter to 8!

What a fun evening.

A big shout-out to the team, especially to Ismet, who joined for his first, brilliant task.

Next week, we're back to the Yurt Cafe for one last final push in the landscaping project!

Until then.

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Harvey Gallagher
Lobo signed up to a community mission.

Mon 22nd Jul at 6:40pm

Lobo went to a social

Sat 20th Jul at 4:00pm

We're still running around in circles!

Southwark Report written by Sam Lefevre (he/him)

After delaying this summer rounders social by two weeks due to the Euros, Sam finally got the gang together to play some rounders.

Sam and Maria hauled over the rounders kit and gazebo from their home and set up shop on the rugby pitch in Peckham Rye park. Thankfully, it was a cooler and cloudier day than the previous day, but it was still quite muggy and humid.

Dylan, Leanne and Isaac all came on time as we waited for the rest to come. By 16:45, we had everyone, but we realised only one person came from the North side of the river to represent... Lobo cycled 40 minutes from Wapping to be here. So, naturally, we had to change tactic and we divided the teams per originally from "North of London upwards" against the South:

Ninety Nine Problems, but a Northerner ain't one consisted of Lobo, Daryl, Isaac, Jess, Leanne, Adrian and Tarik (Adrian and Andrada's friend). They were against Southern Softies: Dylan, James, Eileen, Rebecca, Andrada, Natalia (Adrian and Andrada's other friend) and Maria.

It was no contest as even over 2 innings each, Ninety Nine Problems, but a Northerner ain't one scored 12 and a half rounders against 1 and a half rounders. The game was over within 30 minutes, which prompted a new layout to rounders field as the final base was too close to the backstop. Still, Ninety Nine Problems, but a Northerner ain't one thoroughly deserved the win and leads 2-1 in the yearly series.

Yet, the best was still to come... Sam felt left out and wanted to get a game in. Sam thought the numbers would be uneven, but Leanne left early, which meant we had the numbers per each team.

Splitting the teams was hard, but it ended up being GG Southwark members without Sam against Sam and the rest. "Southwark sacrificing Sam" vs. "Sam outside Southwark" - SSS vs. SOS...

The game was such a close contest with SSS putting up a big score of 10 and a half rounders to beat after two innings when SOS had only scored 4 rounders in the first innings. Yet, with a big team effort and massive runs from Lobo and Dylan, SOS managed to force a super inning as they came back to draw.

However, it was in the super innings that SSS was too strong and in one innings only, they scored 11 and a half rounders after five rounders from Isaac alone and Daryl had a couple too. Even with SOS trying their luck, they only managed 7 rounders before SSS managed to get the whole team out with a great catch from Maria to get big-scoring Lobo out!

All in all, it was such a fun afternoon with loads of us learning rounders for the first time or for the first time in many many years! Looking forward to putting on another social rounders session next summer, so look out for the listing come early 2025!

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Mon 22nd Jul at 10:46pm

It was really fun! :D Thanks Sam for organizing again. And greatest lesson of the day was that we can't trust Maria! Innitiating a petiton called "Cancel Maria" so she cannot play next time!

Maria Kostoulia
Maria Kostoulia (she/they)

Tue 23rd Jul at 2:12pm

Beginner's luck, Lobo😉

Lobo went on a community mission

Sat 20th Jul at 9:30am

Lobo signed up to a community mission.

Sat 20th Jul at 9:30am

Lobo went on a community mission

Sat 13th Jul at 9:30am

Harvey Gallagher
Lobo signed up to a community mission.

Sat 13th Jul at 9:30am

Lobo went on a group run

Mon 8th Jul at 6:45pm

Just Plant Get Enough

Tower Hamlets Report written by Laura Williams

A mild Monday evening saw no fewer than 13 GoodGymers head to the Community Garden, at James Middleton House, in the heart of Bethnal Green.

Tonight we were joining Margaret and Ash for Planters Part II, helping distribute a vast amount of compost into these newly-constructed planters.

This garden forms part of the well-tended Hollybush Estate community gardens. The gardens include an orchard, an allotment and a play area, and offer residents bundles of well-kept space to enjoy.

Forming several teams, we loaded wheelbarrows full of soil and headed over to the planters and other parts of the garden to help get these new areas ready for an exciting bit of planting.

The rain started - nothing new there - but did little to dampen our spirits. With such a large, fun and productive team, superbly headed up by Margaret and Ash, we pressed on until after 8.

After posing for the all-important group shot, the team returned barrows to the Nature Reserve and the Community Centre, already looking forward to next month's visit.

A big shout-out to the whole team, for a fab, fun, effective evening, and in particular to Charlie, who joined for his first task!

Next week, we're heading to the Cranbrook Community Centre for our first visit of summer! Sign-up here.

Until then.

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Harvey Gallagher
