
Training session

Sunday Morning Speedsters

11 GoodGymers made their way on a training session in Islington.

  • Sam Chapman
  • John Shirley
  • Simon Fitzmaurice
  • Toyin
  • Matthew Stuart
  • Michael Welsh
  • Hanry Alexander Heatherwick-Lammers
  • Harvey Gallagher
  • Latoya Stephens
  • Beth Sawyer
  • Barnet runner
Sunday, 15th of May 2022
Led by Simon Fitzmaurice

After an incredible evening of super inspiring top level track running at The Night of the 10,000m PBs at Parliament Hill Track (which can be re-visited on the BBC iPlayer here:, 10 Goodgym runners joined Area Activator Simon for a morning of social time trial running in Victoria Park.

The original Victoria Park Harriers track is often overlooked by visitors to the park, but it is a free to access, 400m cinder course, just by the skate park and has been the main location for our monthly time trials for the last 2 years!

First up as our 5000m TT, which equates to 12.5 laps of the track. Hanry, Harvey, Matthew, Toyin, Paul and Beth took on the endurance distance challenge and did a smashing job!

Shortly after, we topped off our morning with the classic 1 mile TT (4 laps!).

Our double time trial runners were: Harvey, Matt, Hanry and Paul. Incredible that you still had some energy remaining for such speedy performances!

Our 1 mile TT runners included Sam, Michael, John and Latoya who put in some incredible runs.

We perfectly timed to finish our runs while the weather was perfect for distance running, and enjoyed some coffee and breakfast over cover before the heavens opened for a Spring Shower! Wonderful running everyone!

Report written by Simon Fitzmaurice

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GROUP RUN- Return Trip to Timbuktu Adventure Playground

Monday 18:45 - 20:30
Led by Simon Fitzmaurice
The Arsenal Community Hub

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