
Group run

Food Glorious Food

20 GoodGymers made their way 7.0km to help the The Norwich Food Bank and The Norwich Food Bank in Norwich.

  • Penny Coombes
  • Emily
  • Brad
  • Katy
  • Bill Edmonds
  • Robert Organ
  • Elizabeth H
  • Stephen Reed
  • Norwich runner
  • Rachel Day
  • Elisa Mcgarry
  • Jonathan
  • Norwich runner
  • Mark Webber
  • Woody
  • Alina
  • Sam
  • Rose Copland
  • Stephen Knock
  • Diana
Monday, 11th of December 2023
Led by Steven Hitcham

20 of us turned up to help Keith at the Norwich Foodbank. Robert led the runners from the Forum, and we welcomed one new GoodGymer, Diana.

We quickly got to work – Keith sent some of us over to the other side of the warehouse, while Bill, our very own GoodGymer who also regularly volunteers at the foodbank, managed those of us that were sorting donations.

We sorted hundreds of tins of beans, spaghetti, vegetables and more, and we only had two spillages!

Time went by so fast. Its such a satisfying task getting everything in order, knowing that we’re playing a part in helping people get healthy, satisfying food – with a few treats thrown in, of course! Rachel even said that she wishes her day job was more like this as you really feel like you’ve accomplished something.

After just 45 minutes we’d achieved so much. Keith thanked us for our help – the donations we were sorting were bought by the Trussel Trust with financial donations, as they’ve seen a drop in physical donations at supermarkets.

After a few group photos, we all departed knowing we’d all done a good job!

Report written by Emily

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Steven Hitcham
Led by Steven Hitcham

I'm the Area Activator for GoodGym Norwich. I love running and socialising with the GG family.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Report Writer

    Be in charge of writing the session report

    • Emily
  • Photographers

    Take photos for the session report

    • Mark Webber
    • Norwich runner
    • Elizabeth H
    • Emily
  • Walk Leader

    Lead a walking group to the task

    • Robert Organ
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Norwich runner

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Volunteer @ the new Priscilla Bacon Hospice

Monday 18:00 - 19:45
Led by Steven Hitcham
Colney Lane Pavilion

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