


Good Deeds

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Gardening @ Union Street
🗓Monday 14th October 6:00pm

📍The Forum NR2 1TF

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SarahMaddy NutileElizabeth HSamSophie
10 GoodGymers are going
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Sam (She/Her) signed up to a group run.

Mon 14th Oct at 6:00pm

Sam (She/Her) went on a group run

Mon 7th Oct at 6:00pm

Shipping in the GoodGym goods

Norwich Report written by Steven Hitcham

We visited a site on Shipstone Road to help start a new community garden project.

Congratulations to Nicole for completing her 50th good deed!!!!

We made a great difference to the area - clearing an overgrown flower bed and clearing the pathways.

A local resident brought us out some chocolate at the end, which was an extremely kind gesture.

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Steven Hitcham
Sam (She/Her) went on a group run

Mon 16th Sep at 6:00pm

Run Wild in Lakenham

Norwich Report written by Steven Hitcham

We had a last minute change of task but it still an amazing evening.

Thanks to Rose for coming up with the idea and Beks for accommodating us.

20 of us (plus some extra locals) visited Wild Lakenham to help clear and cut back an overgrown public pathway.

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Steven Hitcham
Sam (She/Her) went on a group run

Mon 2nd Sep at 6:00pm

Rainbow Friends 🌈

Norwich Report written by Steven Hitcham

It was quite a spectacle at Mousehold Heath this evening as we were treated to a beautiful rainbow as we were about to take our group photo.

Jen and Bobby lead the run from The Forum with several others cycling too.

This was possibly our biggest turnout since post-covid, with 23 of us making an appearance.

It was the last bracken pulling session of the summer. Will met us with pitch forks (in a nice way) so we could pile up the pulled bracken... and there was a lot of it!

What a lovely evening with the sunset coming over as we finished up for the evening. A few people stopped at the pub on the way back to have a well deserved drink.

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Steven Hitcham
Sam (She/Her) went on a group run

Tue 27th Aug at 6:00pm

Bow-thorpe Hoe-down

Norwich Report written by Ian Gostling

Tonight, 7 GoodGymer's ran or cycled 3km to Bowthorpe Community Garden.

When we arrived we were given a list of tasks and a set of tools to use, along with some yummy refreshments on offer!

Everyone chose their role, and in one hour we had trimmed back the length of the hedge, cut down the hollyhocks and dead-headed the roses. We also weeded and hoed the raised bed, and cleaned and scraped the brickwork flooring.

Kudos to Myfanwy on her first Good Deed!

The sun set on a lovely evenings work, as we all headed back home.

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Steven HitchamStephen Knock
Sam (She/Her) signed up to a group run.

Tue 27th Aug at 6:00pm

Gardening @ Bowthorpe Community Gardens

Support local community gardening group

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Sam (She/Her) signed up to a group run.

Mon 21st Oct at 6:00pm

Tidy up @ Eaton Park

Support local community park

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Sam (She/Her) signed up to a group run.

Mon 7th Oct at 6:00pm

Sam (She/Her) signed up to a group run.

Mon 16th Sep at 6:00pm
