
Group run

Whilst Shepherds watched their pies by night

12 GoodGymers made their way 5.0km to help the Stepping Stones in Worthing.

  • Duncan Anderson
  • Gillybean
  • Belinda Robinson
  • Lucy Booth
  • Sue
  • Anne Blokhus
  • Paul Woodcock
  • Barbara Barrett
  • Worthing runner
  • Natalia Simons
  • Andi Derrick
Monday, 10th of December 2018

7 days without a pun makes one weak

Christmas day minus 14 and it was fantastic turnout this evening with 12 GoodGymers representing the 12 days of Christmas perfectly.

We warmly welcomed back Natalia and Andi The big decision is are you ready to be added to the GG whats app group yet ? If so email me your mobile number and be prepared to find the mute button!

Welcome also to Sue who literally bounced in after 3 PB.s last week ! This is particularly notable after her amazing and inspirational return from her knee reconstruction after her riding accident in 2017.

Sporting fantastic head attire Gill together with Anne and Barbara who had all grafted some impressive head gear but having lost his hat at works night out Jay arrived in a borrowed Santa hat . Oh woe him!

However in comparison to loosing your hat loosing your trousers maybe considered a whole lot worseLucy arrived minus her running leggings but cue Duncan who donated his leggings to Lucy in favour of his jeans despite Paul gallantly offering up his shorts to Lucy and only too willing to drop his shorts and run in his underwear to rescue 'Tracey' our damsel in distress !

Such is the chivalry of GG Worthing and the total whacky and craziness that every Monday presents !

With back, middle , front runners all sorted and designated driver Belinda opting for 4 wheels tonight after completing her longest run ever earlier in the day ( Massive kudos B! ) the remainder of the group headed off for the steady 3k warm up run to our task tonight at Stepping Stones homeless hostel.

Ya butter back off pal because there ain't no oil , salt ,pepper , dishes ......or anything you need to cook a meal tonight

So with challenging conditions the group dug deep and cracked on with the task. With extremely limited tools and equipment I'm not entirely sure how this task was completed but with some pure determination and impressive improvising tactics somehow we conquered 2 large meat shepherds pies together with one vegetarian option and a huge bowl of fresh cabbage.

Bit of a Mash up

With Jay juggling GG with his Christmas movie and neighbours evening he was first to peel off together with Belinda ,Gill and Barbara on light duties taking the 4 wheeled option back to base. Duncan on his Forest Gump walking challenge heading back to East Preston.

Eager runners Paul , Andi, Sue and Lucy headed off for some lampost sprints along the seafront leaving Natalia , Anne and I to finish off an epic cheesy mash and cooking task before the run home.

Are you ready to pate?

Looking forward to our GG Worthing get together tonight ! See you around 7.30pm at The Libertine or at Wood Burger Kitchen at 8:30pm. Its going to be so amazing !!

Next week its our final task before Christmas at Byron Road homeless hostel. Depending on numbers ( and the weather)we may split into 2 groups with one planting bulbs in our seafront flower bed. Watch this space or whats app for more info.

Have a great week

Julia :)

Report written by JULIA GLEESON

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I love the concept of getting physically and mentally fit whilst combining it with helping others. I run most days.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Gillybean
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Worthing runner

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Turning Tides - Victoria Road

Monday 18:00 - 19:45
Splashpoint Leisure Centre

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