P-p-p-pick up a pizza

17 Goodgymers helped their local community in Oxford
Kim Davies
Susanna Todaro
Fred Collman
Henry Gibson
Ben Gremson
Sophie Wilkinson
Katie Fellows
Matt Burton
Vicky Arnold
Bethan Greenaway
Anwen Greenaway
Ellie Evans
1 / 18

Wednesday 31st January 2024

Anwen Greenaway
Anwen Greenaway


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Report written by Anwen Greenaway

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We don't litter pick for the free pizza, but it sure helps!

Last night we set out to litter pick the Marston cycle path along Marston Ferry Road. It's an area which has been reported to us in the past so it has been on our radar, but this was our first attempt to clean it up.

With a full team of GoodGymers we were able to divide into 3 teams and fan out into different areas of Marston to litter pick. We sent a group out along the Oxford Road, another over to Marsh Lane, and the 3rd group headed up the cycle path. Although during our initial recce the area had seemed fairly clean, we were soon picking up plenty of fast food wrappers, cigarette butts, drinks cans, and even someone's airpods (which we will try to reunite with the owner if they ever dry out). Ellie's group win GoodGymers of the week award for litterpicking outside the pizza shop (very mucky) and getting gifted a large pizza as thanks - they were even kind enough to bring it back to share with the whole group!

Welcome to GoodGym Kim, and also Remy the pup!

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Trainers for JogOn
🗓Wednesday 19th February 6:00pm

Plus it’s our 6th birthday!

Cassy FifordKieranBen GremsonAndyAnja
19 GoodGymers are going