


Good Deeds

Cheers given
Cheers received

Verified member
Doing good since September 2019

Not done a mission this month

0 Month Streak

Verification in progress

0 Month Streak

Not done a group run this month

3 Month Streak

Hat Doffer
Community Cape
High 5
GoodGym Runner


Block or report Stéphane

Stéphane's next session


Heene Road Community Garden and Barbara's 300th Good deed plus celebration
🗓Monday 17th February 6:00pm

📍106 Heene Rd, Worthing BN11 4PN BN11 4PN

Helping out in the community

Barbara BarrettPaul WoodcockPaula MartenRoxy
8 GoodGymers are going
Latest activity
Stéphane (He/him) been cheered 10 times. 🥇

Friday 31st January

Hat Doffer

Hat Doffer

Stéphane (He/him) been cheered 10 times.

Goodgymers have noticed what Stéphane has done and have cheered them 10 times. We doff out caps to you Stéphane.

Stéphane (He/him) signed up to a group run.

Mon 17th Feb at 6:00pm

Stéphane (He/him) been Mission Verified. 🥳

Monday 20th January



Stéphane (He/him) been Mission Verified.

Congratulations to Stéphane who is now Mission Verified. They're now ready to start running GoodGym missions to help older people and running alone to community mission. Give Stéphane a cheer to kickstart their mission running career.

Stéphane (He/him) went on a group run

Mon 20th Jan at 6:00pm

🎵 We hit the prom Jack - hope you come back for more and more 🎵

Worthing Report written by JULIA GLEESON

🎵 Oh we do like to be beside the sea side🎵

The biggest decision today was what pun to use as there had been several suggested which made reference to our very special visitor who had come all the way from the head office team in London to join us. Drum roll please 🥁.... Welcome Jack to the sunny south coast 😎 Belinda won the pun competition 👏

*Eat sleep GoodGym Repeat *

During the January challenge its all about clocking up the good deeds and km's and GG Worthing is absolutely nailing it this year. We have already hit our target of 65 good deeds. The target was set to challenge us and had already been increased from last year. This nicely illustrates the commitment and recent growth in our small but mighty area. Well done team. I'm super proud of you all 👏 🏆

🎵 Dancing in the moonlight

Not quite dancing but we did a nice jaunt along the promenade and around the pier! Anne led the runners, consisting of, El, Stéphane Roxy together with Jack and me back marking.

John led the walking group comprising of Mel, Paul, Ricky, Belinda and Paul We all met on the pier for the obligatory group photo 📸 before convening at the GG flowerbed for the task.

Double Good Deeds Tonight we split into 2 groups with the runners off on a litter pick run and the walkers helping with the tidy up of our flowerbed together with other straggly ones along the prom. The runners paired up. Anne and Jack together with Stephane . They were combining sprints with litter pick stops. This was a great way to combine some fitness with keeping the prom and surrounding areas tidy 😇😇

The walkers also paired up with Paul and El and Ricky and Paul who set off along the prom to work on the flowerbeds along the way. Belinda, John and Mel got stuck into the GG bed. Our flowerbed was transformed!

The runners return 2 bags came back with our intrepid runners ( I'm not entirely convinced much sprinting was done 😅) with Roxy and Steph taking the credit for the biggest bag of litter bounty!

We all packed up and made our way back to the starting point where some of us said our goodbyes whilst others took Ricky up on his suggestion .....

And so to the pub

A group of us finished off the evening at The Egremont for a quick drink and chat. It was a great chance to share ideas about GoodGym and parkrun.

Special mention to Belindawho went on a clandestine parkrun last Saturday which was behind lock and key at a women's prison not too far away. She had also coordinated a car full of kit donations which will be vetted by sniffer dogs, washed and then sold for charity to the ladies.

I sped away with Jack to the train station where he had 3 minutes to get himself on the train back to London. It was an absolute pleasure to meet and host you Jack ! As the headline pun says - we hope you will come back more and more ! 😊

Until the next time - have a great week everyone.

Julia xx

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Jack Da Silva

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Jack Da Silva

Tue 21st Jan at 9:54am

Thank you everyone - so great to meet you all and find out some interesting things about Worthing, will be back to see it in daylight soon!


Tue 21st Jan at 10:34am

Will let you know when we are planning our annual sea dip in the summer ☀️

Jack Da Silva

Tue 21st Jan at 10:35am


Stéphane (He/him) earned their community cape by completing their first community mission. 🎉

Friday 17th January

Community Cape

Community Cape

Stéphane (He/him) earned their community cape by completing their first community mission.

Stéphane completed a community mission. Instead of watching TV or lying in bed, Stéphane was out there making their community a better place to be. For making that choice they have earned the community cape.

Stéphane (He/him) completed 5 good deeds with GoodGym. 🥳

Friday 17th January

High 5

High 5

Stéphane (He/him) completed 5 good deeds with GoodGym.

Stéphane is a now a pretty committed GoodGym runner. They've just run to do good for the fifth time

Stéphane (He/him) went on a community mission

Fri 17th Jan at 6:00pm

Re running things

Worthing Report written by John Robinson

It’s my life

We all know a runner can never have enough kit, just not enough space to store it all. A runners wardrobe, bursting at the seams, can act like a personal museum of their running journey. Memories of the ups, and the downs. Showing the shape we were, the shape we want to be. Helping us to hold on to our aims and aspirations, remembering where we started and hinting at where we’d like to be.

Just lace up and run

Running is popular due to its simplicity, accessibility, health benefits, and the ability to fit into various lifestyles and fitness levels. It has often been said that at its simplest running is the cheapest way to get fit. Just lace up and run. But not everyone is in the position to be able to access even the most basic of kit.

Community Support

Who better to approach to support disadvantaged groups being able to participate in physical activity than those who both value exercise, and support their communities. GoodGymers never disappoint. 190 items (literally enabling kitting out from head to toe) have been donated, all of which have sufficient life and wear in them to support someone starting out on their fitness journey.

And come on, own up, who has already got their eye on replacements to fill those wardrobe gaps!

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Belinda Robinson

Fri 17th Jan at 7:05pm

Thank you for writing such a lovely report Mr R


Fri 17th Jan at 7:09pm

Brilliant report and 190 items is fantastic


Fri 17th Jan at 7:10pm

Thank you Belinda for going the extra mile with this

Dave M

Fri 17th Jan at 7:22pm

190 items! Incredible effort!

Stéphane (He/him) signed up to a group run.

Mon 20th Jan at 6:00pm
