8 Month Streak
📍St Botolphs Church BN1 14LY
Giving a helping hand with a beautiful church garden
Mon 16th Sep at 6:00pm
Worthing Report written by JULIA GLEESON
Birthday Celebrations 🍺 for John
It was a great turn out for Johns special day.
We spent 45 minutes doing a very productive litter pick of the surrounding areas. The Birthday boy himself, John teamed up with Mrs R, Belinda and together with Daisy Roxy and Paula they headed off in the direction of Windsor Lawns. For Daisy this was an irresistible opportunity for a competition to see who could fill their bag more 🤣 which they all good naturedly joined in with. For Mr and Mrs R it must surely have also been a trip down memory lane where they used to live.
Heading out in the opposite direction were our intrepid explorers Sarah and Ryan who were fresh from a weekend walking from Hove to Hastings. Joining them today was also Gillybean and Sue. We all feel for Gill who is missing her beloved running with a heel spur injury 😪.
Finally Barbara myself and Sueconcentrated on the area around Splashpoint where there was loads of rubbish caught in bushes 🥺
After completion we all headed up to the pub to raise a glass and knife and fork to John where we were joined by parents to be Natacha and Steve together with Ricky and Nick too. Happy Days 😍
Mon 9th Sep at 6:00pm
Worthing Report written by JULIA GLEESON
Little by little
This was our third visit back to this leisure centre garden. It's a project that we have kind of adopted as we found it sad to see it uncared for. Gillybean has always led the way on this task and we are always happy to get behind her ideas to give a helping hand.
Tonights task was to get the rectangular area of ground prepared and planted with grass seed.
Belinda armed with John's pads got straight down on her knees to weed. Paula was also part of the weeding team and the two of them also chatted about their up and coming BIG Birthdays and how they were feeling about the milestone together with how they may be celebrating them.
John himself, got some great pruning of shrubs and brambles done at the far end of the garden where its very overgrown whilst chatting to Daisy who was busy raking reading for sowing.
Roxy in her signature style got into some energetic digging followed by scattering the grass seed and watering.
Gillybean was part of the weeding, raking and sowing team with me pitching in wherever needed including lots of watering, plus the all important, taking of photos.
We will wait to see how the grass seed takes and return to dig some borders so that we can plant lots of bulbs which will make it look wonderful next Spring
Next week it's John's Birthday so we will be combining a litter pick / walk / run with some celebrating 🍾 😀
Mon 16th Sep at 6:00pm
Mon 12th Aug at 6:00pm
Worthing Report written by JULIA GLEESON
*The new Andy *
11 of us arrived at Kamelia Kids to give a helping hand to this centre that provides care for all children including ones that need a bit of extra tlc.
Tonight we met Nick who has had to fill very big shoes as Andy has now retired. Nick has been there 3 months and was intrigued to learn who we are and what we do. He had been told a little about us so was already prepared with various jobs.
The main one was painting the outside toddler play kitchen which the majority of the group got stuck into.
Gillybean got straight into some pruning and tidying of shrubs and tomato plants. Ricky started on the brushing a play area then transferred to painting.
Meanwhile Belinda and Paula began a massive sweep and tidy of the playground- this was a huge task as there was so much sand ! As quickly as we swept it seemed to re appear again !
*Meanwhile in the kitchen.......
Everyone was trying to avoid getting paint splattered by Sarah 🤣 John in particular was on high alert ⚠️ The competition was on to see which group could finish their end first Whilst John and Sarah were playing their games 🤣 Paul, Anne, Sue , Ryan all worked really quickly to get the whole kitchen done including all the fiddly bits ! It was a wonderful before and after transformation and very satisfying for all involved. 👌
Great job team 👏
See you next week for the cemetery pruning and social - more info to follow.
Have a great week !
Julia x
Mon 21st Oct at 6:00pm
Mon 9th Sep at 6:00pm