James Tilburn


That bloke that occasionally turns up on a scooter.


Good Deeds

Cheers given
Cheers received

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Verified member
Run leader
Doing good since October 2018

Not done a mission this month

1 Month Streak

Verification in progress

0 Month Streak

Done a group run this month

31 Month Streak

Black T-Shirt
Mission Possible
Mission accomplished
Mission Impossible
Social Visits Verified
On a roll
Finding your feet
Ethan Hunt
Easy 10
Starter's pistol
Haile Gebrselassie
Florence Kiplagat
High 5
Mo Farah
Hat Doffer
GoodGym Runner
Community Cape
Tirunesh Dibaba


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James Tilburn's next session


Painting (internal walls) of Kyra offices and communal spaces
🗓Saturday 10:30am

📍Kyra Women's Project, The CMC, St Saviourgate, York YO1 8NQ

It will help brighten up the space Kyra operate from - which will make the environment feel more uplifting and welcoming, for staff, volunteers and of course members.

James TilburnJenna DruryLeanneNeil Bushell
7 GoodGymers are going - 3 spaces left! 👀
Latest activity
James Tilburn
James Tilburn signed up to a party.

Fri 20th Dec at 6:30pm

GoodGym York Christmas party

Make merry and celebrate another cracking year of GG York

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James Tilburn
James Tilburn signed up to a community mission.

Sat 2nd Nov at 10:00am

James Tilburn
James Tilburn went on a community mission

Sat 5th Oct at 10:00am

Don't swap me now

York Report written by James Tilburn

A very busy clothes swap this month so with just the two of us we were kept very busy.

in addition to the usual swap, the team generously collected eleven bags of warm clothes to be donated to Ukraine for the winter.

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Vicky HearsonPaul KellyLaura Barrett
James Tilburn
James Tilburn signed up to a community mission.

Sat 5th Oct at 10:00am
