Luton Area Activator
11 Month Streak
0 Month Streak
45 Month Streak
Block or report David Mansfield
Wed 11th Sep at 6:45pm
Wed 4th Sep at 6:45pm
Luton Report written by David Mansfield
In the last of a summer series of dual-task group sessions, our team was split with a walking/biking group heading to the Penrose Roots to Recovery garden and a running group heading to Holy Trinity Church.
The team's task in the garden was to tackle a patch of stinging nettles that had taken over a storage area behind the polytunnel. Kitted out with shears and rakes we worked from each end to meet in the middle, uncovering lost garden supplies in the process and filling two big bags with compost fodder.
Meanwhile the running group's task at the church was to give the railings a second coat of paint to finish the task we'd worked on over the summer stripping and repainting.
It's the time of year that darkness is creeping in so we had a dark journey back into town. Don't forget your lights for next week's run!
Sat 7th Dec at 8:45am
Sat 2nd Nov at 8:45am
Sat 5th Oct at 8:45am
Sat 7th Sep at 8:45am
Wed 28th Aug at 6:45pm
Luton Report written by David Mansfield
This week we returned to a community garden on Bristol Road that we helped set up a while back. Since then a small group of people, including Gareth and Kev who met us there have been trying to keep control of the space but the brambles and weeds that used to be there were making a comeback!
Our team arrived on bikes and by running and walking to all pitch in and reclaim the ground from the weeds. 40 minutes later we'd make a bit pile of green waste.
We also topped up some of the raised beds with topsoil that needed shoveling into a barrow and moved down from the entrance.
Wed 4th Sep at 6:45pm