Isaac Beevor



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Latest activity
Isaac Beevor
Isaac Beevor (He/him) signed up to a group run.

Wed 5th Mar at 6:30pm

Isaac Beevor
Isaac Beevor (He/him) went on a group run

Wed 26th Feb at 6:30pm

Lock, Stock and Two Woodchip Barrows

Southwark Report written by Isaac Beevor (He/him)

A small group of Mansur, Andrada, Benjamin and myself braved the cold 3km run to Thorlands for more wood chipping and path laying... We met Sam and Maria there and that is where the fun really started.

We were locked out of the woodchip area! We didn't have the correct padlock code to get the woodchip, so we started preparing the ground for the woodchip laying and Ben started litter picking...

But then we got a call from Simon, who was having a well deserved break in sunny Portugal, we were able to get in and get four wheelbarrows of woodchip to cover the path area. Thanks Simon!

We headed back through the cold South London streets before heading home.

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KimDaryl ShawSam LefevreSevanGill
Isaac Beevor
Isaac Beevor (He/him) went on a group run

Wed 19th Feb at 6:30pm

KimHarvey Gallagher
Isaac Beevor
Isaac Beevor (He/him) signed up to a group run.

Wed 19th Feb at 6:30pm

Cleaning Childrens Toys for Salvation Army Nunhead

Help keep the toys in the baby play area clean for children to play with

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Isaac Beevor
Isaac Beevor (He/him) went on a group run

Wed 5th Feb at 6:30pm

Would you be-leaf it!

Southwark Report written by Emma McNally

On a cold winters night 8 GoodGymers met at Old Spike. After a quick warm up we headed on a 2.5k run through East Dulwich to the Tiny Forest in Peckham Park. Our task for the evening was weeding around the planted sapling trees so they are able to grow and not get out competed by plants and brambles. This wasn’t the easiest in the dark but we made do with head torches and lights. We are looking forward to revisiting in the Summer to see the trees flourishing!

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Harvey Gallagher

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Jack Da Silva

Fri 7th Feb at 11:40am


Isaac Beevor
Isaac Beevor (He/him) signed up to a group run.

Wed 26th Feb at 6:30pm

Group Run: Community Gardening at Thorlands

Helping out at this community garden as we continue with its project and vision

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Isaac Beevor
Isaac Beevor (He/him) signed up to a group run.

Wed 5th Feb at 6:30pm

KimGillDaryl Shaw
Isaac Beevor
Isaac Beevor (He/him) went on a group run

Wed 29th Jan at 6:30pm

Clearing the path in the Kitchen Garden

Southwark Report written by Daryl Shaw (he/him)

It was our first group run to Thorlands of the year and there was 7 of us for the run (with Paul and Rosemary meeting us there). We took the same route that we took for our visit back in November.

Simon was there to meet us with the tools ready. We split off into two groups with one group clearing the leaves off the path in the Kitchen Garden to create a new pile that we covered with cardboard and a pallet to help it mulch down faster. The other group ran wheelbarrows of woodchip from the Community Garden which we then spread on the cleared path.

Simon sends thanks for our work and we’ll see him again later in Feb.

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Harvey Gallagher
Isaac Beevor
Isaac Beevor (He/him) signed up to a group run.

Wed 29th Jan at 6:30pm

Group Run: Community Gardening at Thorlands

Helping out at this community garden as we continue with its project and vision

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KimDaryl Shaw
Isaac Beevor
Isaac Beevor (He/him) went on a community mission

Mon 20th Jan at 7:00pm

GillSam Lefevre
Maria KostouliaHarvey GallagherKim
