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📍Old Spike Roastery SE15 4JR
Help keep the toys in the baby play area clean for children to play with
Wed 19th Feb at 6:30pm
Help keep the toys in the baby play area clean for children to play with
Read moreWed 5th Feb at 6:30pm
Southwark Report written by Emma McNally
On a cold winters night 8 GoodGymers met at Old Spike. After a quick warm up we headed on a 2.5k run through East Dulwich to the Tiny Forest in Peckham Park. Our task for the evening was weeding around the planted sapling trees so they are able to grow and not get out competed by plants and brambles. This wasn’t the easiest in the dark but we made do with head torches and lights. We are looking forward to revisiting in the Summer to see the trees flourishing!
Wed 26th Feb at 6:30pm
Helping out at this community garden as we continue with its project and vision
Read moreWed 5th Feb at 6:30pm
Wed 29th Jan at 6:30pm
Southwark Report written by Daryl Shaw (he/him)
It was our first group run to Thorlands of the year and there was 7 of us for the run (with Paul and Rosemary meeting us there). We took the same route that we took for our visit back in November.
Simon was there to meet us with the tools ready. We split off into two groups with one group clearing the leaves off the path in the Kitchen Garden to create a new pile that we covered with cardboard and a pallet to help it mulch down faster. The other group ran wheelbarrows of woodchip from the Community Garden which we then spread on the cleared path.
Simon sends thanks for our work and we’ll see him again later in Feb.
Wed 29th Jan at 6:30pm
Helping out at this community garden as we continue with its project and vision
Read moreMon 20th Jan at 7:00pm
Mon 20th Jan at 7:00pm
Wed 15th Jan at 6:30pm
Southwark Report written by Southwark runner
Last Wednesday we went to a new task! We went to YHA Thameside to do some weeding.
Emma, Rosemary and Jessie met us at the task. Meanwhile, Isaac, Gemma, Sam, Mansur and Emma ran with me and it was definitely one of our longer runs. The run was worth it though, since Jess from YHA gave us warm cookies and drinks.
The weeds were quite easy to pull out, apart from the spikey ones. Isaac also spotted some massive mushrooms.
Sun 19th Jan at 11:18am
Sorry, I think I ran too)
Sun 19th Jan at 6:08pm
Oops, sorry Mansur!! I have added you now
Fri 24th Jan at 1:22pm
congrats on supporting a new task!
Wed 15th Jan at 6:30pm
The flowerbeds are on a public path so they will create a new green space in Rotherhithe and improve air quality for residents and visitors.
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