St Paul's Church

25 GoodGymers have supported St Paul's Church with 6 tasks.

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Previous sessions
CardiffGroup run
MichaelJake MaddocksCaraMartin GraffEmma WilkinsJonathan BlackwellDylan Stocker

Birds of a Weather run together

Tuesday 28th May

Written by Michael

It seems that the weather doesn't want us to paint! A second try at the task and once again play was rained off.... But a little rain doesn't stop us, we LOVE it.

Off we went, a lovely run in the cleared misty air, it wasn't too long before we reached our destination. Our task, now changed, we were going to wire brush some of the railings (for the day that we can finally paint them) and tidy up the back of the community hall.

Cara, Dylan and Martin got to work on the railings, whilst Jonathan and Michael went straight to the back to tidy up the yard. Jake was the only goodgymer to do both tasks - #keen.

After our group photo, it was a simple run back to get social and catch up with each other. Plenty of talk about runs coming up, festivals and the fun of Cosmeston relay, which we will be taking part in once again. What should the team names be?? Well we agreed it shouldn't be 'Dylan and the minions', it should be a group decision not just 'what would Dyl do!' After many, many, many discussions and a couple of strange options it was finally decided for 'Hobnob handover'. Let's see if they stick with that when it comes to registration!


Walking in the rain, or after it has been raining, can actually be good for your body and your mind. Some scientists think it is all down to negative ions. These are odourless, invisible molecules which are created in nature near moving water.

As well as rain, they can come from waterfalls, waves in the sea and even morning dew and mist. Dr Niek Buurma, of Cardiff University’s School of Chemistry, said one way they can be formed is by water, such as raindrops, hitting the ground. Research is taking place into the effects of negative ions, but it is thought they may boost our mood, relieve stress and give us more energy.

The air is cleaner during rainfall and after it because raindrops wash dirty particles out of the atmosphere. There is also that unmistakeable smell when it rains after a long period of dry weather. The earthy scent is called petrichor, from the Greek words petra, meaning "stone", and ichor, meaning "the fluid that flows in the veins of the gods". Petrichor includes a chemical called geosmin, which is made by bacteria in soil. Inhaling it in the air can have a calming effect.

Next week is a first time task - as we say hello to the Scout Hall and help them. Get signed up here

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CardiffGroup run
DylanJonathan BlackwellSophie HastingsDarrenLlion WigleyEllen

Take me running, painting in the rain

Tuesday 7th November 2023

Written by Michael

Take me running, painting in the rain Feel it washing over me, oh oh Join us, running, painting in the rain Cover me in ecstasy , oh oh

So that's out the way now and possibly stuck in your head! Last night 11 goodgymers got together, despite the rain, to make their way on a lovely night time run to help out with some painting of railings.

Michael, led the crew on the quickest route tonight, so that we could get as much painting done as possible. First, we had to get into the office for the equipment. Luckily the key holder was in the Choir and could see us looking all confused at a locked door.

We're IN

Just as we had the equipment out and we started, our organiser Julian arrived, just in time to get stuck in with the rest of us. We were brushing the railings with wire brushes, being followed by the painters. We split into a few groups, with three of us heading off under some trees to paint, which we were thankful for when it started to rain!

Time to Call It

We cleared the equipment and put it back into storage, as we got warmed and dry with a quick bit of food from the lovely Choir with no name. A quick group photo, and it was time to head back for a nice social.

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CardiffGroup run
Chloe CrowtherHolly FoskettJen VeluSu FernandezImy HopkinsDylan

Paint it BLACK

Tuesday 17th October 2023

Written by Michael

We see an old fence and we want to paint it black.......

Well it turns out our last trip of the year to the community hall was not as we thought, we returned to help with the mighty task of painting the fence.

11 goodgymers huddled together on a chilly evening, ready to take on the WORLD

Back for their second time was Chloe, welcome you regular you. And we had the return of one who started us all those years ago...... Benjamin


Off we went on those mean streets of Cardiff (not really mean, us Welsh are very nice) and we had a nice steady pace to St. James Community Hall.

Tonight's task, to wire brush the fence that we had previously freed from the ivy..... Whilst the rest of us painted as much as we could in the time we had.

You could definitely feel the Autumnal crisp chill this evening, but we were soon warmed by the gratitude of the choir as they came out from the hall to see what we were getting up to. Impressed by the amount of us, they even offered us the food they had left.


We made our way back to the Daffodil, to warm up and catch up. We will return one more time this year.... As its a BIG fence.

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CardiffGroup run
Martin GraffLlion WigleyDylanJonathan BlackwellHolly FoskettDarren

Johnny and the Smurfs

Tuesday 3rd October 2023

Written by Michael

A nice run today away from too much hustle and bustle of the city, following the embankment by the river.

Our journey, leading us to the Community Hall of St. Pauls.

Our task..... To remove all growing, tangled vegetation on the railings... And there were a lot of railings.

As we arrived we got together with those that had made their own way to the task, but realised one was missing. Just as Michael was about to send out a message a figure appeared from the hall...

Are you the runners?

How did they know... Well, it turned out our missing Holly had arrived early and decided to join the choir inside. And what a great time they were having.

To the task... We all got gloved up (Safety First) and picked our tools from Julian's (Our task organiser) car boot. No messing around, Michael put up lights to help as the darkness enveloped the group, but not our spirit!

Along the way we managed to find 2 vodka bottles, lots of rubbish, some tea bags and a Clock....

Our last visit to the community hall this year, and a great success.

See you all on the next task soon.

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CardiffGroup run
MichaelJihaadAndrew SkeltonCecil SunnyNathan SwainDylan Stocker

Secateur it to me - baby

Tuesday 8th August 2023

Written by Michael

A jog tonight, over to the joys of grangetown - a lovely part of Cardiff. The route planned took us along the embankment overlooking the river Taff, still a little warm if not a bit cloudy.

We arrived at St. James community hall ready to help out and get tidying, a very well used place it's always good to help out knowing that the community will appreciate it. Our task, to clean all down the side of the hall, fallen leaves and some rubbish - separating into different bins, and then tackling the back space. Again, tidying and sweeping but also cutting back some of the overgrowth.

No time to WASTE

We ran down the side to get to our tools and straight to work, still waiting on our cyclist (Dylan) but not wanting to waste any time. Whilst getting on with the work we had the joyous tunes from inside of the homeless choir, singing away as if to help us achieve more. The choir is - The Choir with No Name, read all about them here

Dylan arrived and helped us to tackle the back space, and as we worked through it was great to see a visible difference.

Join us next week as we have a double with tasks on Monday and Tuesday.

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CardiffGroup run
MichaelMartin GraffJen VeluStuart BarrowAndrew SkeltonEllen

Leaf us alone

Tuesday 20th September 2022

Written by Michael

Seven got together for another new task at a new location, our first run to St. Paul's Church and Community Centre.

Michael was leading a walking group tonight and was joined by Ellen for a lovely catch up for just under 2.5 km. The rest of the group were already there when we arrived and had got everything ready so that we could do as much as possible. Seven goodgymer's ready to clean up around the community hall, leaves and weeds were abundant but so too is our determination.

Sweeping, cutting, secateurs doing their thing and some jumping in bins to make extra room. It wasn't long until we were done and the space looked so much better after our visit. A quick photo, and time to make our way back.

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