Adam Hammond


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Adam Hammond
Adam Hammond went on a group run

Tue 21st May at 6:20pm

Food Bonanza Bank

Cardiff Report written by Michael

An unfortunate start to our Tuesday task as the sky opened and poured like a big ol' leaky tap. But still, a good 12 goodgymers arrived, not put off by some rain, and ready to celebrate on our birthday week.

The run, was a good simple straight run with very little stopping. Our task organiser, our very own Imy, had thankfully come up with alternative plans for bad weather. Once we arrived, the group were taken in and put too work, whilst Michael remained outside waiting to welcome our cyclists.

Our tasks for the evening were sorting the donations, dating them with marker pens and placing them into the correct baskets, and as the rain had passed, three of the team went outside to help to weed and tidy the volunteer area ready for their party in a few weeks time (we may also have a return community task to tackle the painting that was put off due to the rain).

We stayed a little longer than usual to get as much done as possible, and because it's our birthday week......that's right, we are 7 and you are all HEROES.

Imy had plenty of volunteers taking part with her engagement activity, and lots to talk about for the run back. Now it's time to celebrate goodgym Cardiff way with a night at the open mic night.

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MichaelNathan Swain
Adam Hammond
Adam Hammond signed up to a group run.

Tue 21st May at 6:20pm

21 Group Activity - Help improve an outdoor area for Cardiff Foodbank

It will give volunteers and Food bank staff a nice place to relax and socialise in their breaks

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Adam Hammond
Adam Hammond went on a group run

Tue 5th Mar at 6:15pm

Goodgym cobble together

Cardiff Report written by Michael

At long last a dry looking Tuesday, Daylight during the run out - Spring is most definitely on the way.


To our two new runners from tonights, Charlotte and Alex. It was great to have you along for the run and the task, hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

Two different routes tonight to mix it up as we made our way out with T's emblazoned with the goodgym for all to see, a good temperature = crew on brand! Cwtch together is a great regular run for us now, and we always enjoy helping out there - it's been so wonderful to see it develop over the years. You can see what they are about here

Tonight was all about the prep for Spring, as the nicer weather looms ever nearer, the children and young people will want to run around the outside areas even more. So, to action........

  • Remove the weeds at the bottom of all the fencing
  • Reattach a board to the bottom of the front gate
  • Clear up the leaves from the side of the building
  • Lay two bags of white pebbles at the bottom of the fence (look for the gaps)
  • Mow some of the lawn......

Mow the lawn at night?

Yes, you did read correctly. Thankfully we have the ever trusted Bat Lights....No to be confused with the Bat Signal.

With no time to spare, everyone got busy, let's see how much we can get done. Michael even joined in tonight tackling the mowing duties as much as possible. 30 minutes went by before we knew it, and we had managed most of the list, with some of the lawn still to do. We had saved time with the grass by mowing without a grass catcher on the back - and letting the clippings remain on the garden for those wonderful worms that we learnt about in a previous report.

Learning Time

  • Grass clippings contain 4% nitrogen, 2% potassium, and 1% phosphorus along with small amounts of other plant nutrients.
  • When decomposed, grass clippings also serve as a food source for microbial life in the soil - including our friendly worms.

Thanks All, see you again, same time next week.

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Adam Hammond
Adam Hammond signed up to a group run.

Tue 5th Mar at 6:15pm

10 Spring into Cwtch

Spring clean that wonderful Charity

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Adam Hammond
Adam Hammond went on a group run

Tue 13th Feb at 6:15pm

Stump for Joy, Clover the Moon

Cardiff Report written by Michael

What a night that was as a good 12 of the goodgym crew arrived eager to help out at this week's task. The gang, made up of joggers, walkers and a cyclist meeting us directly there.....All are welcome.

We were back to our friends for the first time this year at St. Edwards this evening, to do work in the Church grounds in support of Forget Me Not Cafe and the Gardening as Therapy Project.

Our Tasks

  • Stripping Christmas tree branches
  • Scattering Clover Seeds

Our area activator Michael has recently started looking into rewilding spaces and as such managed to get quite a few different varieties of seeds to help biodiversity. Knowing of the project, we offered some up to Kathie who was very happy to accept as part of their wildflower meadow. Our scattering crew, lit for the evening by Emma, were Dylan and Emily.

Whilst the rest of the team got to work as choppers, chippers and snippers - getting the stump! It was short work on the task as we filled the green waste bags ready for the council to collect and took the stump around to the front of the building. The stump (in case you were wondering) is going to be repurposed inside the Church for an Easter Cross.

A quick tidy up and group photo and it was time to head back, where most of the group were heading off for bottomless pancakes.

Join us next week as we head over to Samye - sign up HERE

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MichaelNathan Swain
Adam Hammond
Adam Hammond signed up to a group run.

Tue 13th Feb at 6:15pm

Adam Hammond
Adam Hammond signed up to a party.

Tue 13th Feb at 8:15pm

Pancakes at Bills post Goodgym

Doing Goodgym on Pancake Day doesn't mean you have to miss out on Pancakes!

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Adam Hammond
Adam Hammond signed up to a group run.

Tue 6th Feb at 6:15pm

06 One more litter pick

Help to tidy the area around a school and playground

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Adam Hammond
Adam Hammond went on a group run

Tue 9th Jan at 6:15pm


Cardiff Report written by Michael

On a night where the air was biting at our ankles, an impressive 13 goodgymers braved the weather for the Cardiff January Challenge.

We were back to the Samye Foundation, our last visit was decorating for Xmas... except for Michael and Darren who managed to pop along for their Fayre. Tonight would be very different though, and would soon warm up the group.

We were in three groups tonight, the walkers led by Michael, the runners led by Darren and Adam and the third group, still running but a shorter distance.

We arrived and got straight to work, no standing still in these temperatures. The 3 Xmas trees had to go back into the loft, there were tables and chairs to rearrange, bags and bags of rubble, wheelbarrows of rubbish and an array of tile bits to pick up.

Out came the lights and gloves for safety, we split into groups and got busy, so busy in fact that we managed to finish off the tasks with enough time to get a bit of vacuuming done too.

Tools down, warm up.

We popped inside for a catch up and some snacks, more water (hydration is important even in the cold).

We are nicely on track for our target of 100 deeds in January, but a few more km needed, so don’t forget to get Strava going on your walks, runs or bike rides. NEXT week we will be splitting into ploggers and litter pickers to tackle the City Centre. Get signed up here. We are also heading for food afterwards but need to book so you will have to sign up to this too

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MichaelDarrenMartin Graff
