Goodgym Area Activator for Cardiff & the Vale, I believe in the transformative power of running & the Arts
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0 Month Streak
93 Month Streak
📍Sport Wales National Centre CF11 9SW
Experience a glimpse of goodgym, then come to volunteer at a later task
Thu 27th Feb at 6:15pm
Tue 18th Feb at 6:15pm
Tue 11th Feb at 6:15pm
Tue 4th Feb at 6:15pm
Tidy a space for those in need to get some fresh air
Read moreSat 22nd Feb at 10:30am
Tue 28th Jan at 6:20pm
Cardiff Report written by Darren
In a dirty* episode of the Netflix series tonight, 12 Goodgym folks ran and walked to Adamsdown. * dirty as in rubbish btw!
(Be warned this is a mis-match of Bridge and Bridgerton puns, and I have never seen Bridgerton).
They split into two groups and quickly collected 6 bags of rubbish, which put the GG total for the day to 10 bags. Tantalizingly close to our 100 bag target for the month. Sign up on the relay sheet and collect a bag before the month is out if you can! Please!!
Take me to the Bridge - some of the group headed off to collect rubbish from a particularly mucky bridge that Imy and Martin had spotted en route to the meeting point.
Simon and Garfunkel could not make it but this really was a Bridge over troubled waste and several bags were quickly filled with the usual litter items as well as some discarded clothing - probably flung off prior to a steamy scene on set!
The other group collected rubbish from around the school and nearby playground. There was nothing novel about this task, although we did collect some pulp fiction at one point. Some passers by of the polite society did thank us for carrying out our work with such nobility. We collected lots of chocolate and sweet wrappers but sadly no Viscount ones!
We won't win any Emmy awards for our work but we enjoyed it and have done some more good in the Community.