St Nicks

268 GoodGymers have supported St Nicks with 147 tasks.

Top supporters
Leanne (she/her)
Ed Woollard
Ed Woollard (He/Him)
York runner

Upcoming sessions
Weeding at the Fishergate Triangle

Monday 29th July 2024 6:15pm - 8:00pm

Previous sessions
YorkCommunity mission
Amy WoollardLyndsey HayMartin Calvert

It takes two!

Wednesday 17th July

Written by Amy Woollard

T'was a quiet mid week July evening meet

When two goodgymer's came out to play

In the muggy yet somewhat pleasant heat

They were met by St Nick's Maeve

Who explained grass was the goal

Amy quickly got to work

Whilst Lyndsey got confused - ohh

But soon we came together

and dug and pulled and cleared

In the humid mid week July weather

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YorkCommunity mission
Amy WoollardLyndsey HayVicky HearsonLaura BarrettMartin CalvertMitch

Surely thistle be the last time…

Thursday 27th June

Written by Amy Woollard

When Maeve from St Nicks got in touch to ask if we could help with the infamous Fishergate Triangle it didn't take much convincing for us to wrangle together a few keen goodgymer's.

The 5 of us met Maeve who started explaining what plants we should and shouldn't weed. It was quickly agreed that we could all identify dandelions, thistles and grass so we kept to these.

There were a few wildflowers that had successfully grown since last year including some lavender. Hopefully in a few years the wildflowers will be able to fully bloom - but they might require out support a few more times to weed out all those pesky thistles!

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YorkGroup run
John BourtonLeanne
PeteNick GriffinCarl Wain

Goodgym get Bashed with St Nicks

Monday 10th June

Written by Ed Woollard (He/Him)

This week was our 3rd and final session getting rid of Balsam at Fulford Ings, but before celebrating the finale of our Balsam bashing trilogy we had some serious celebrating of our own to do with plenty of epic achievements since our last outing. Firstly we had the tired legs crew who had conquered the Swaledale Marathon at the weekend - well done Barbara, Lucy and Amy (as well as several others who couldn't make it tonight) ⛰️. Then it was cheers to Mitch, who had been on the sauce on Saturday, winning the Beer Mile 🍺. Plus all our summer series runners who had put some serious effort in at the Knavesmire last Tuesday with a few PBs thrown in for good measure. Well done everyone 👏

After a quick warm up in honour of National Ballpoint Pen day, we headed off with Abigail and Pete brining up the rear and Amy leading our walking crew. We even had time for a few tricep dips in the sun as we went over Millenium Bridge. What a glorious evening this was going to be.... or so we thought 🤔

Things started well with the our intrepid GGers picking up where they'd left off last time and making good progress, uprooting Balsam left, right and centre. But before too long a figure emerged out from the bushes and took exception to our efforts. Obviously we can't please everyone with our Goodness, and Nicola from St Nicks handled the situation admirably, but the grey clouds had started to gather on tonight's task both figuratively and literally!

To placate the disgruntled resident, we focused our efforts further down the Ings and were soon back into our rhythm with Craig looking particularly pleased with the size of the Balsam he had pulled, whilst Leanne was starting to make a rather impressive pile!

But with time running out and the wind picking up, it was time to set off for a quick fitness sesh on Millenium Fields. We managed approximately 2mins worth of fitness before getting absolutely pelted by some seriously chunky hailstones and deciding to pack it in and hide under a tree. We understandably lost a few runners who beat a hasty retreat to the safety of their homes, before finally arriving back at CVS.

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YorkGroup run
Laura BennettMitchPeteAbi PerrinBen DoveLyndsey Hay

GoodGymalayan Balsam

Monday 3rd June

Written by Ed Woollard (He/Him)

There was something for everyone at this week's Group Run with cycling, walking, steady and faster options on offer for a fantastic 24 GGers. We started by welcoming first timer Sophie who set off with Vicky et al as part of the walking crew 👋. We also announced the first half of the GoodGymmer of the month award with Mitch getting his turn in the frame for getting stuck in to a load of Good deeds and leading some missions. Well done Mitch 👏

Before setting off, we warmed up with a nod to World Bicycle Day (according to Amy's Garmin) by pretending to ride our imaginary bicycles around the CVS car park, much to the dismay of the more avid cyclists amongst us 🚲. Then it was off the Fulford Ings for Balsam Bashing Round 2!

At the task we were joined by Emma and a rather late Ben, who looked like he'd put in some serious effort to try and catch up with the running crew🏃‍♂! Nicola from St Nicks gave out a brief overview to those who were making their Balsam Bashing debut whilst the more seasoned veterans got stuck straight in.

Anna and Sophie made a fab start and soon got to work pulling out what they thought was Balsam left, right and centre, before Ed pointed out that what they had been pulling out was unfortunately something else! Don't worry guys, there were a few others making the same mistake

There's not too much else that can be said about Balsam that hasn't been said before, but there was much debate over the correct method as well as plenty of new pun options for future run reports. By the way, this week's genius word play came from Abi, not me!

Before too long it was time to head back to base, but not before a quick plank race on millennium field, with some very questionable planks and some very eager plankers

When we got back to CVS we were able to dish out the second half of our GGer of the month award to Lyndsey who had also completed a shed load of Good Deeds over the last couple of months as well as keeping the Friday Lunch Hill Rep Club alive 💪

Fab sesh everyone. See you next week for the third and final bash

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YorkGroup run
Helen SpringDavid Barrett
Ben Dove

To Node or Not to Node

Monday 27th May

Written by Pete

The answer of course is to node but more of that in a minute…..The rain had come and gone and so with a flurry of last minute sign ups we were up to 18 - not bad considering it was also a Bank Holiday.

Recognising the Griffs recent completion of the SW Coast path and in particular a fabulous 300th good deed for Lucy there shortly followed a gentle warm up. With a nod to the cheese rolling competition held on the same day we numbered off to the favourite choice of accompaniment to cheese - some expected answers but also some weird choices… names.

It was one of our longer runs to the task so we had 2 groups who arrived at the same time and were soon put to work by the good people of St Nicks to attack GG’s long term adversary - namely Balsam. There is certainly enough of it in York and we could do a task every day and still find more. However, our efforts are never in vain as the work we and other groups do keeps it in check. Split into groups we had some pulling and some scything although all of us may have been suffering from the odd nettle sting. Those that pulled were careful to node … in other words make sure the root type bits are separated from the stalks to ensure no re growth occurs. There was some discussion about the voracity of Balsam for shampoo and we may find out if it works if indeed Rich works it into his scalp.

While Jenna was vigorously attacking with the scyth and Craig (good to have you back) was unearthing signposts signs amongst the undergrowth, Helen and Catherine were getting stuck in to their first group run by decimating the dreaded plant. However, when Helen got waterproof trousers and full jacket out of her bag it suggested that she had done this before and while it looked warm she may have been the only one protected from the nettles.

After the group photo the 2 groups started out together with one group making use of a local fitness frame by showing core strength and dodgy made up exercises before catching up with the other group in time for stretches, pub and brownies (thanks Babs - delicious as always). Thanks for all that came - a lovely evening as it turned out - lets hope for more during round 2 next week

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YorkCommunity mission
Ed WoollardEmmaLyndsey HayAmy Woollard

Emma, where's your trousers?

Wednesday 22nd May

Written by Ed Woollard (He/Him)

4 hardy GoodGymmers laughed in the face of the weather forecast and turned up at Fordlands Road for the first blooming brilliant balsam bashing bonanza of the season.

Emma came slightly underprepared with no long trousers or gloves (possibly Ed's fault for not stating they would be needed on the listing) but fortunately was able to borrow a pair of both and soon got cracking.

We made excellent progress alongside the lovely folk from Cleaner Greener Fulford and after an hour of bashing were suitably chuffed with our efforts

An excellent warm up to the forthcoming Balsam Bashin Group Run sessions

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