
Group run

Win, lose or jaw?

9 GoodGymers made their way 2.6km to help the Portsmouth Residents and Visitors in Portsmouth.

  • Lucy Booth
  • Katie Carew-Robinson
  • Samantha Belfrage
  • Jo Kitching
  • Portsmouth runner
  • Val Cameron
  • Judy Knapp
  • Katie London
  • Wilson
Wednesday, 29th of March 2023
Led by Katie Carew-Robinson

The weather Gods were not on our side tonight, despite it being BST so we could see what we were doing, it was wet wet wet!! Every time we thought we saw a break in the sky, it just started raining harder!

Despite the conditions, we managed to fill 4 black sacks with rubbish and one bag of recycling.

Interesting finds including a jaw bone (animal not human!), baby's dummies, plastic toys. Lots of fishing bits and bobs and plenty of plastic. Incredibly, no pants were found tonight!

Great work by the team, still plenty to do on Project Tipner!

Report written by Katie Carew-Robinson

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Katie Carew-Robinson
Led by Katie Carew-Robinson

Run Leader for GoodGym Portsmouth. Health & fitness coach, student, runner, outdoors lover & cinnamon bun enthusiast.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Katie London

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