0 Month Streak
9 Month Streak
Block or report Samantha Belfrage
📍North End Baptist Church PO2 7JH
Enable unwanted kitchen items to be used by those in need
Sun 4th Aug at 6:00pm
Portsmouth Report written by Judy Knapp
We contributed to the Butterfly Conservation Trust's 2024 Big Butterfly Count.
GoodGymers chose gardens, parks and wild places to sit and watch for 15 minutes, and to count & identify any butterflies. Several GGers took an evening walk into Hilsea Lines to see how many they could spot, others added butterfly counting at the end of Victoria Park gardening.
Richard seemed to have most success, with plentiful numbers of Red Admirals.
Samantha was helped by her chickens to match the butterflies to the identification sheet!
All the data helps the Butterfly Conservation Trust to understand the health of the UK butterfly population.
Wed 31st Jul at 6:00pm
Portsmouth Report written by Judy Knapp
Portsmouth GoodGymers explored where no GoodGymer had gone before, to find new frontiers for young trees.
Portsmouth Tree Wardens had asked for potential planting sites for new trees this Autumn.
GoodGymers ran, walked, and maybe even beamed themselves up, to explore Portsmouth tree locations.
Let's hope the young trees will Live Long and Prosper!
Wed 31st Jul at 6:00pm
At a time of your choice - find new locations for young trees
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