Katie London


Good Deeds

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Doing good since February 2019

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Verification in progress

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Done a group run this month

53 Month Streak

TaskForce achievements

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Florence Kiplagat
Walk Leader
Mission Possible
Mission Impossible
Mission accomplished
Black T-Shirt
On a roll
Ethan Hunt
Haile Gebrselassie
Finding your feet
Starter's pistol
Easy 10
Community Cape
High 5
Mo Farah
Tirunesh Dibaba
Hat Doffer
GoodGym Runner


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Katie London's next session


Research Portsmouth's Green Canopy
🗓Wednesday 31st July 6:00pm

📍Wherever you like PO1 4LR

At a time of your choice - find new locations for young trees

Katie LondonJane
Maxine VSG
7 GoodGymers are going
Latest activity
Katie London
Katie London signed up to a community mission.

Fri 26th Jul at 5:30pm

Big Butterfly Count

Add your data to the national record

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Katie London
Katie London went on a community mission

Tue 23rd Jul at 12:00pm

Aisle be there for you - foodbank at all saints church

Portsmouth Report written by Katie London

5 goodgymers helped, pack, parcel up, weigh, record and deliver food parcels to those in need!

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Katie London
Katie London went on a community mission

Tue 23rd Jul at 10:30am

The fellowship of the chairs

Portsmouth Report written by Katie London

5 goodgymers organised and helped out at the foodbank

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Katie London
Katie London went on a group run

Wed 17th Jul at 6:00pm

Do Good, Get Girth

Portsmouth Report written by Jen Stoneham

We had a lovely evening putting up posters for the upcoming Somersfest event, organised by PCC. Thank you Katie for sorting out collecting the posters!

We split in to three teams, depending on our energy levels and injuries to cover as many different areas as possible. Each group covered between 2 and 2.5 miles, which was an amazing effort!

There was also some excellent record keeping from Vicki, Jo and Dave to ensure we can find our posters for their removal after the event. We were also incredibly impressed with the reusable cable ties provided by the Council, which will definitely make Part 2 a simpler job!

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Val CameronJaneJudy Knapp
Dave M
Katie London
Katie London signed up to a community mission.

Wed 31st Jul at 6:00pm

Research Portsmouth's Green Canopy

At a time of your choice - find new locations for young trees

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Val Cameron
Katie London
Katie London went on a community mission

Tue 16th Jul at 12:00pm

Foodbank gives you wiiiiings

Portsmouth Report written by Katie London

5 goodgymers moved as an efficient machine to pack up and pack down the foodbank ready for next week.

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Dave M
Katie London
Katie London went on a community mission

Tue 16th Jul at 10:30am

103 parcels of glee

Portsmouth Report written by Katie London

5 goodgymers packed up parcels at the foodbank. Richard completed his 103 rd good deed with aplomb.

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Dave M
