
Group run


13 GoodGymers made their way 5.3km to help the Samye Mindfulness and Well being Centre in Cardiff.

  • Michael
  • Emma Wilkins
  • Benjamin Annear
  • Cardiff runner
  • Su Fernandez
  • Darren
  • Andrew Skelton
  • Lucy
  • Adam Hammond
  • Sophie Hastings
  • Dylan Stocker
  • Dylan
  • Neda
Tuesday, 9th of January 2024
Led by Michael

On a night where the air was biting at our ankles, an impressive 13 goodgymers braved the weather for the Cardiff January Challenge.

We were back to the Samye Foundation, our last visit was decorating for Xmas... except for Michael and Darren who managed to pop along for their Fayre. Tonight would be very different though, and would soon warm up the group.

We were in three groups tonight, the walkers led by Michael, the runners led by Darren and Adam and the third group, still running but a shorter distance.

We arrived and got straight to work, no standing still in these temperatures. The 3 Xmas trees had to go back into the loft, there were tables and chairs to rearrange, bags and bags of rubble, wheelbarrows of rubbish and an array of tile bits to pick up.

Out came the lights and gloves for safety, we split into groups and got busy, so busy in fact that we managed to finish off the tasks with enough time to get a bit of vacuuming done too.

Tools down, warm up.

We popped inside for a catch up and some snacks, more water (hydration is important even in the cold).

We are nicely on track for our target of 100 deeds in January, but a few more km needed, so don’t forget to get Strava going on your walks, runs or bike rides. NEXT week we will be splitting into ploggers and litter pickers to tackle the City Centre. Get signed up here. We are also heading for food afterwards but need to book so you will have to sign up to this too

Report written by Michael

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Led by Michael

Goodgym Area Activator for Cardiff & the Vale, I believe in the transformative power of running & the Arts

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Su Fernandez

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31 Group Task - Global Gardens

Tuesday 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Michael
Glassworks, Westminster Bldg

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