Su Fernandez


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Su Fernandez
Su Fernandez went on a group run

Tue 16th Jul at 6:20pm

The seat goes on...

Cardiff Report written by Michael

A return to our friends at StarGarAllot community allotments this week, one of our slightly longer runs so we had some walkers meeting there, cyclists as well as the usual runners from the City.

It was a lovely evening for a run, and time for a nice chat as we made our way to the task. We picked up some people on the way who wanted a shorter run and then met everyone else outside the gate for the task. We were met at the gate by the task organiser, Camilla, who then walked us around the site explaining what needed doing this evening. Our tasks were;

  1. To move a large bench from the shed to a new position that had been cleared in the shade.
  2. To clear the area under the bench just moved
  3. To put a picnic bench in the area we cleared so more volunteers could sit for lunch.
  4. To clear a rather large grass, which was in the way of a pathway
  5. To move another bench to an area overlooking the trees and potentially a nice sunset.

It as going to be some good lifting and exercise tonight, so plenty of team work going on. The grass turned out to be the most difficult of tasks as four of us with forks still struggled to lift it - sweat and grunts and it finally gave in as we dragged it away to the compost heap.

Some apple juice, a few grapes and bananas and it was time to leave. We will be returning next week to get on with some actual gardening, so get signed up here and we will see you there.

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Su Fernandez
Su Fernandez signed up to a group run.

Tue 16th Jul at 6:20pm

29 Group Task - Stargarallot

Help to get the produce flowing for the community

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Su Fernandez
Su Fernandez went on a group run

Tue 25th Jun at 6:15pm

Goodgym on tarp

Cardiff Report written by Michael

Another Tuesday, another concert in the City. Back to our old starting location of Sport Wales, on what turned out to be an extremely hot day.

First, we welcomed to our group for their first task - Will

Croeso Will

It was a lovely route to the task in the Summer sun, and out of the hustle and bustle of the concert. Michael had found some donated tarpaulin from his allotment that was going to Cwtch Together to help supress the nettles at the back of the building that they use. The bag was quite a challenge and certainly slowed his run down, but determination got everyone there on time and ready for WATER....

After some very welcomed water, we got our tools out from the store and set ourselves up into groups. 2 volunteers for the front garden, to cut the lawn and strim the edges - thanks Su & Will. The remaining three to tackle the nettles out back, loppers and shears at the ready - watch out for those stingys David, Emily & Llion.

We realised that the strimmer was out of wire, so Michael quickly ran to the store to find more and get the strimmer set up again to actual help cut. After a few minutes of fiddling, winding, rewinding after using to much wire and more cutting, we finally had a workable strimmer.

Michael took a few pictures before heading to the back to help with the nettles with the power of his RAKE. The conversations got a little strange as we tackled the rest of the nettles, from Shakin Stevens and whether that was slang for someone with drug issues (NO) to the smell of a ladybird infestation (hmmm). Maybe the heat was getting to us more than we'd realised.

As we cut and battered down the nettles we were attacked by a swarm cloud of insects and moths, and spotted more ladybird larvae. Once most of the nettles were down we quickly laid out the tarpaulin and weighted it with some slabs, now we wait for the worms to do their job and take those pesky greens down into the soil. There was plenty of space too for any insects to find their way out from under the cover, so please don't worry about them!

Learning ALERT

There are about 5,000 different species of ladybirds in the world. These much loved critters are also known as lady beetles or ladybugs, and in many cultures they’re considered good luck. They come in many different colours and patterns, but the most familiar in the UK is the seven-spot ladybird, which has a shiny, red-and-black body. Gardeners and farmers love them because they eat aphids and other plant-eating pests. And boy do they eat – in it’s year-long life, a single seven-spot ladybird can gobble more than 5000 aphids!

Seven-spot ladybirds are native to Europe but were introduced to North America in the mid-1900s to control aphid populations.

Ladybirds live for around a year (sometimes 2) are up to 1cm in length and can reach speed of 24km/h.

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Su Fernandez
Su Fernandez signed up to a group run.

Tue 25th Jun at 6:15pm

26 Group Task - Cwtch Together under tarpaulin

We are going to tackle the back and keep the nettles away...forever

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Su Fernandez
Su Fernandez went on a group run

Tue 11th Jun at 6:15pm

The gritty truth

Cardiff Report written by Michael

As Cardiff is taken over by PINK, 6 goodgymers (maybe the only people not going to the concert) meet to run the RED flag of goodgym.

Our task tonight was to help out the wonderful OASIS, that's the charity not the band. They are having a redevelopment of the front yard to their building, they are creating what will be a haven for biodiversity and a wonderful space to use for the people of Splott. The planters have been built and with a little help from goodgym, lined. But now they need some drainage and weight to help secure them, and this is where we come in once again.

We were heading to the house of one people looking after the project, where we had the task of bagging up as much grit as possible. The grit was then to be loaded into the Oasis minibus and driven over to the building. We got straight to work with shovels and spades, getting the grit into bags. Steve (from Oasis) loaded the bags onto a sack truck to take through to the van, Karolina carried some and we kept those bags coming.

We filled the minibus to its maximum weight, and three goodgymers went with Steve to help unload the van. There was still plenty more bags to load it for a second time too, those of us that didn't head to Oasis got all the remaining bags together ready to be loaded and took a few more photos. Suddenly, we found ourselves locked in a house as the deadlock seemed stuck on the door.

How do we get out?

After a lot of pushing and pulling, Michael finally got a chance with the door and managed to get the thing to open and finally we were all free. A quick group photo and we had to run back to the City Centre to celebrate our freedom. We will be helping Oasis again, this time at the Centre in Splott as they will need to get the soil into all of the planters.

Next week we will be out of the City Centre due to the Taylor Swift concert, so if your coming our meet point will be Sport Wales. Sign up here

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Su Fernandez
Su Fernandez signed up to a group run.

Tue 11th Jun at 6:15pm

24 Group Task - Helping Oasis to move grit

Help with the development of the new outside area

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Su Fernandez
Su Fernandez went on a group run

Tue 21st May at 6:20pm

Food Bonanza Bank

Cardiff Report written by Michael

An unfortunate start to our Tuesday task as the sky opened and poured like a big ol' leaky tap. But still, a good 12 goodgymers arrived, not put off by some rain, and ready to celebrate on our birthday week.

The run, was a good simple straight run with very little stopping. Our task organiser, our very own Imy, had thankfully come up with alternative plans for bad weather. Once we arrived, the group were taken in and put too work, whilst Michael remained outside waiting to welcome our cyclists.

Our tasks for the evening were sorting the donations, dating them with marker pens and placing them into the correct baskets, and as the rain had passed, three of the team went outside to help to weed and tidy the volunteer area ready for their party in a few weeks time (we may also have a return community task to tackle the painting that was put off due to the rain).

We stayed a little longer than usual to get as much done as possible, and because it's our birthday week......that's right, we are 7 and you are all HEROES.

Imy had plenty of volunteers taking part with her engagement activity, and lots to talk about for the run back. Now it's time to celebrate goodgym Cardiff way with a night at the open mic night.

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MichaelNathan Swain
Su Fernandez
Su Fernandez signed up to a group run.

Tue 21st May at 6:20pm

21 Group Activity - Help improve an outdoor area for Cardiff Foodbank

It will give volunteers and Food bank staff a nice place to relax and socialise in their breaks

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Su Fernandez
Su Fernandez went on a group run

Tue 23rd Apr at 6:20pm

Spreading the...........Sh........Joy

Cardiff Report written by Michael

A longer than usual run tonight, but worth it to be out and about and helping a great group.

We were heading out to a community growing space - Stargarallot, they grow food that goes to the Oasis centre, Tremorfa Community Pantry and Splo-Down Food Coop. Our task for the evening was to clear the polytunnel, remove soil from the two growing beds and put in a layer of manure, replace the soil and then top it off with some fresh compost.

Nothing was going to waste as everything green removed went straight to the compost bins, that had already been cleared ready for the goodgym team. It was all go, as we split into teams, some in the polytunnel - either side in different beds, and some out filling wheel barrows with the fresh compost

A perfect night for the task, the rain had cleared and the sun was breaking through the clouds. Just enough breeze to keep us cool as we got busy, digging, raking and moving soil.

After a good workout of 30 minutes we were done, and it was time for a photo in the tunnel.

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MichaelNathan Swain
Su Fernandez
Su Fernandez signed up to a group run.

Tue 23rd Apr at 6:20pm

17 Group Activity - Return to StarGarAllot

StarGarAllot gives food to the Oasis centre, Tremorfa Community Pantry and Splo-Down Food Coop.

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