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31 Group Task - Global Gardens
🗓Tuesday 30th July 6:15pm

📍Glassworks, Westminster Bldg CF10 1AG


MichaelFloJonathan BlackwellLucy
4 GoodGymers are going
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Lucy signed up to a group run.

Tue 30th Jul at 6:15pm

Lucy went on a group run

Tue 9th Jul at 6:20pm

The Varnishing Point

Cardiff Report written by Michael

On a busy week in Cardiff three goodgymers got together to help out at Samye. They have some rather special visitors next week and so it's time for some sprucing up to be done.

But before we go on, we have to say a WELCOME to our newest member Anna, lovely having you along with us today and hope to see you back again soon on another task.

Our task tonight was to look around in awe at the transformation in the back yard to the wonderful new biodiverse garden that it is - with.......the great new pond that we helped to dig on our last visit. Now to some actual volunteering, and back to the front. Our task tonight, to varnish the benches all over to help give them a fresh new look and protect them over winter. We had a good old chat about life and the World as we made the seating look ready for the event next week, and just like that we were done.

Join us next week as we make our first of two trips to help at StarGarAllot community allotments here

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Lucy went on a group run

Tue 4th Jun at 6:20pm

Scouting for weeds

Cardiff Report written by Michael

Why is the Scouts motto and honey the same?????

Tonight was a BRAND NEW task, as we helped out at the 19th Scout Group in Cardiff. We had received a request to help and tidy up the outside of the hall, ready for some planting - currently they are measuring the growth of beans.

We were tasked with removing the weeds, brambles etc all short and stumpy, unlike the long and slim beans. None of this could be done though, not until we had figured out the riddle of the gloves..... As Darren revealed his magic trick of only pulling out one type of glove, it even made me question if I had put both right and left in the bag earlier.

For the brambles we dug as much as possible to hopefully stop them coming back in the future, some weeds could be pulled up by hand. Secateurs and loppers were used at the far end as we began to cut into the jungle of brambles, the scouts have a friends group coming on Saturday to help with this section. But many hands make light work, and it wasn't too long before we were cutting into the section ourselves.

It was time for a quick group photo, and to show off the mound of greenery that we had removed. A couple of photos, some chocolate treats from the oragniser and it was time to make our way back to the start location.

Join us next week for a great work out here

Wondering about the question at the top? Answer: They're both Bee prepared!

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Lucy signed up to a group run.

Tue 4th Jun at 6:20pm

23 Group Task - Tidy up our scout hall and gardens

This will be a huge help to our already stretched team of volunteers and will create a safe and lovely space which the children will use all summer.

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Lucy signed up to a party.

Sun 26th May at 1:00pm


Just a good old party in the park - plenty of wooden games and wine

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Lucy went on a group run

Tue 14th May at 6:15pm

Rescue......Plan B

Cardiff Report written by Michael

A good turn out for our Tuesday task, but the numbers don't matter to the weather. But first, we welcome two new people to our group tonight for their first task.


Our task organiser messaged to say that they thought the rain would hinder our original task, and so a last minute change was required.....


We ran to a different location, a shorter route than planned but with plenty of jobs to keep us occupied. We had a LOT of weeds to remove, front and back of the building, a very LARGE T.V stand to put together for the biggest TV that I have ever seen.

We split into three groups, front group got to work weeding around the edge of the lot to tidy up and just make the Church look that little bit better, and then removed the grass from the front 'garden' to make room for more planting later on. The second group were inside, busy putting together the heavy duty stand, lots of head scratching and plan reading going on there.......The final group went straight to the back to tidy up there, it occasionally gets rented as a car park when there are large events in Cardiff, a nice way for them to make some extra funds.

Next week looks to be an amazing task, get signed up if you're not already -------> HERE

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MichaelEllenMartin Graff
Lucy went on a group run

Tue 23rd Apr at 6:20pm

Spreading the...........Sh........Joy

Cardiff Report written by Michael

A longer than usual run tonight, but worth it to be out and about and helping a great group.

We were heading out to a community growing space - Stargarallot, they grow food that goes to the Oasis centre, Tremorfa Community Pantry and Splo-Down Food Coop. Our task for the evening was to clear the polytunnel, remove soil from the two growing beds and put in a layer of manure, replace the soil and then top it off with some fresh compost.

Nothing was going to waste as everything green removed went straight to the compost bins, that had already been cleared ready for the goodgym team. It was all go, as we split into teams, some in the polytunnel - either side in different beds, and some out filling wheel barrows with the fresh compost

A perfect night for the task, the rain had cleared and the sun was breaking through the clouds. Just enough breeze to keep us cool as we got busy, digging, raking and moving soil.

After a good workout of 30 minutes we were done, and it was time for a photo in the tunnel.

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MichaelNathan Swain
Lucy went on a group run

Tue 16th Apr at 6:20pm

Across the Pond

Cardiff Report written by Michael

Another lovely day in Cardiff as 10 volunteers got together to Get Active and Do Good.

Tonight, we had 7 runners from our start location, 1 cyclist and 2 walkers. It was a lovely evening to be out and about helping, and we had a celebration too.

Jonathan hit a milestone as we celebrated 50 good deeds.

Big Congratulations

As always, we arrived at Samye to smiles and a table of water, just what you want after a lovely run. We had a quick chat whilst rehydrating and catching our breath. Then it was time to get busy and help, there was a list of tasks and a group of willing volunteers - the perfect combination.

They had been very busy indeed since our last visit to Samye and were part way through a build of what will be a lovely pond. They had broken through the brick, rubble and dug down, piling it all around the sides. Still tome to do in the middle, which we could also help with if there was time, but for now the most important thing was to help, tidy up and move those heavy bags. After all, many hands make light work.

Our tasks for the evening.

  • Put all the rubble into sacks
  • Move around to the side of the building
  • Vacuum hall, stairs and office in building 252
  • Sweep up around the pond
  • Sand the wall around the new fire door

It was all go, Dylan went straight to his friend HENRY to clean up that building. Imy and Natasha got their sand on, shimmying and shaking around the door frame. The rest of us, well it was manic - spades moving rubble and soil into sacks, people carrying bricks, moving bags once full....a little more of the pond was also dug out. After 30 minutes of good old hard work, the pond was looking good, and we had certainly "Done GOOD".

We popped inside for a bit of a social and a little soup, before heading back to the city.

Join us next week - all are welcome --> Sign Up Here

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Lucy signed up to a group run.

Tue 16th Apr at 6:20pm

16 Group Activity - Samye Foundation

Help the Centre to look it's best for the great work they do

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Lucy went on a group run

Tue 9th Apr at 6:20pm

Too much of a good sting

Cardiff Report written by Michael

With lighter evenings for our runs it's finally starting to feel like Spring time.

Tonight, we returned to Cwtch Together to help once more...It was time for a wipe down and clean up inside the hall to get those grubby marks from the radiators, doors and walls wherever possible. Inside were our task organiser, Sarah along with Imy, Lucy and Benjamin, whilst outside were Darren, Andrew and Dylan sweeping and weeding down the side of the hall. Finally, around the back and battling the carpet of nettles were Lucy, Su, Dylan and Jonathan.

It was all go against those pesky nettles as the group were hard at work with secatuers, loppers and shears, then rakes and spades were the tools of choice. it time?

Learning Time

Urtica dioica L., also known as stinging nettle, is a perennial plant. It is a plant that’s edible and has nutritional and medicinal properties. Young leaves can be used to make curries, herb soups, and sour soups. The root of the stinging nettle is used to treat mictional difficulties associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia, while the leaves are used to treat arthritis, rheumatism, and allergic rhinitis. Its leaves are abundant in fiber, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidant compounds like polyphenols and carotenoids, as well as antioxidant compounds like polyphenols and carotenoids. Stinging nettle has antiproliferative, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, analgesic, anti-infectious, hypotensive, and antiulcer characteristics, as well as the ability to prevent cardiovascular disease, in all parts of the plant (leaves, stems, roots, and seeds). Stinging nettle improves fish reproductive performance, making it a cost-effective aquaculture plant. Fertilizer and insecticides can be made from the plants.

So maybe it's time to rethink the classic "stinging nettle".

See you all next week - get signed up - here

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MichaelNathan Swain
