U Leaf't me Up

12 Goodgymers helped their local community in Cardiff
Llion Wigley
Imy Hopkins
Andrew Skelton
Martin Graff
Su Fernandez
Benjamin Annear
Emma Wilkins
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Tuesday 30th January

Report written by Michael

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A nice turn out for our last group activity for the January Challenge....

We had them all tonight, runners, walkers and cyclists. Oh, how active we've been in Cardiff, well done team. Meeting at our usual place, we split into our groups and made our way to the task. We all made good time, meaning we could get to volunteering faster. Our task, to tidy up all of the leaves, and there were a lot that had also been there all Winter - pungent is probably the word to use.

Gloves all around tonight, very necessary - separating the trash into recycling bags and then the leaves into red bags, we got to work. Martin went over to sweep a different area with the help of Ben and Lucy collecting, Llion tidying up around a parked car whilst the rest of the group tackled the mound of leaves by the back door.

The odd worm or two were found enjoying themselves in the heap, doing what they do.

Learning TIME

  • There are 31 species of earthworm known to occur in natural environments within the British Isles, though only 29 species are known to occur in Great Britain.
  • Earthworms have been called ‘ecosystem engineers’.
  • Earthworms play an important role in breaking down dead organic matter in a process known as decomposition. Decomposition releases nutrients locked up in dead plants and animals and makes them available for use by living plants.
  • Earthworms are also responsible for mixing soil layers and incorporating organic matter into the soil.

Session Leader
Area activator
Llion Wigley
Imy Hopkins
Andrew Skelton
Martin Graff
Su Fernandez
Benjamin Annear
Emma Wilkins
Join us on our next session


31 Group Task - Global Gardens
🗓Tuesday 30th July 6:15pm


MichaelFloJonathan BlackwellLucy
4 GoodGymers are going

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