Not just a token gesture; second time lucky for parkrun juniors

18 Goodgymers helped their local community in York
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Sunday 2nd January 2022

Report written by Debs Sharpe

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Sunday dawned bright and sunny for our second day of parkrun volunteering this year. 18 GG'ers joined 16 regular and Duke of Edinburgh's Award volunteers to make a bumper crop of helpers for Knavesmire Juniors. Good job as we had a bumper crop of runners! 90 4-14 year olds made their way out and back along the 2km course, cheered, guided and supported by the many high-vis heroes.

Times were kept, cones marshalled, funnels managed, tokens distributed and tails walked, all in the sunshine. then we packed away and assembled for a giant group photo. Let's hope that the weather and numbers are this good when we're back in 3 weeks time.

(Apologies to mini Leadbetter who may have accidentally been accused of playing with the finish funnel cones, when it was that naughty Panders all along. Another rendition of "I want a hippopotamus for Christmas" required next week to make up for your misbehaving Mr P. That angelic face is fooling nobody.)

Session Leader
Tamar Goudie (Tay)
Hannah Leadbetter
Laura Barrett
Amy Woollard
Vicky Hearson
Debs Sharpe
Ben Dove
Tim Mckenzie
Nicky Woodall
Ed Woollard
Nick Griffin
Paul Anderson
Michal Czekajlo
Join us on our next session


Clearing a derelict allotment or finishing the fence painting at Park Grove
🗓Monday 20th May 6:15pm

Enable the allotment to be let and promote the Groves Association

Lyndsey HaySara CollisonSam BrockCraigMartin Calvert
7 GoodGymers are going

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