Tuesday 20th September 2022
Report written by Michael
Seven got together for another new task at a new location, our first run to St. Paul's Church and Community Centre.
Michael was leading a walking group tonight and was joined by Ellen for a lovely catch up for just under 2.5 km. The rest of the group were already there when we arrived and had got everything ready so that we could do as much as possible. Seven goodgymer's ready to clean up around the community hall, leaves and weeds were abundant but so too is our determination.
Sweeping, cutting, secateurs doing their thing and some jumping in bins to make extra room. It wasn't long until we were done and the space looked so much better after our visit. A quick photo, and time to make our way back.
Sat 24th Sep 2022 at 7:08pm
Excellent task and made a difference very quickly
Tue 27th Sep 2022 at 6:31pm
Really enjoyed this!