Jenna Drury


Getting on a bit but trying to keep up the energy levels to work with children and young people! I much prefer cross country running


Good Deeds

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Doing good since September 2017

Verification in progress

0 Month Streak

Done a group run this month

50 Month Streak

Mission Impossible
Florence Kiplagat
Mission accomplished
Ethan Hunt
Haile Gebrselassie
Black T-Shirt
Community Cape
Starter's pistol
On a roll
Finding your feet
Easy 10
Mo Farah
Tirunesh Dibaba
High 5
Hat Doffer
GoodGym Runner


Block or report Jenna Drury

Jenna Drury's next session


Tibthorpe Loop half marathon
🗓Saturday 1st March 2025 10:00am

📍York CVS, Denham Room YO1 6ET

Release and enjoy endorphins, improve your running, enjoy the scenery and get together with friends

Vicky Hearson
James TilburnJenna DruryNicky Woodall
10 GoodGymers are going
Latest activity
Jenna Drury
Jenna Drury went on a group run

Mon 22nd Jul at 6:15pm

Who got a lovely bunch of coconuts?

York Report written by Vicky Hearson (she/her)

Tonight we started our warm up by saying which drink we'd like to get rid of - suggestions included pernod, cider and whiskey! We then celebrated Cara's 200th good deed and welcomed Nick to his first run, before heading off to Park Grove for a final session of fence painting.

Once we arrived we made a prompt start on turning the rainbow fence blue. Within no time one side was done so a few nimble folk jumped the fence to do the other side (Then vicky found the keys to the gate in her pocket!)

The session then finished with a coconut shy relay race! Lots of people knocked one off to take home (whilst others just stole them!)

Once back at base and refuelled by Amy and Cara's biscuits, a bumper group headed to the pub to discuss the use if coconuts in more detail!

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John BourtonVicky HearsonPaul Kelly
Jenna Drury
Jenna Drury signed up to a group run.

Mon 22nd Jul at 6:15pm

Ed Woollard
Jenna Drury
Jenna Drury went on a group run

Mon 15th Jul at 6:15pm

Hull be there for you

York Report written by Ed Woollard (He/Him)

A small but perfectly formed group of GG Yorkies met for this weeks Monday night group run. Whilst numbers might have been low, spirits were high as we celebrated the weekends achievements with a round of applause for those who taken part in the Normanby Hall 10k on Sunday, including a couple of PBs. We then named and numbered off by celebrating the birth of Dutch painter, Rembrandt whilst naming our favourite TV show theme tunes (there is a link there, promise!)

Then it was off to task with Ed leading the group and Abigail backmarking with Vicky riding along side us as we headed to Hull Road Park for an evening of soil shifting. We were met at the task by Kristina from City of York council's environment team, who set us up with shovels and wheelbarrows and directed us towards 5 big sacks of soil which all required shifting into the play area were the removal of some old play equipment had left a rather large hole that needed filling.

Vicky took on the chief raker role and was joined throughout the task by Abigail and Jackie, whilst the rest of the gang got to work with the shovels and barrows.

One by one the sacks were emptied to the point of being dragable and the hole quickly filled up. But with time running down and Ed setting up the cones ready for another fitness sesh, it was touch and go whether all 5 sacks would be emptied in time. With literally seconds to spare the last sack was dragged across ready for stamping down with the whole team jumping up and down on top of it, apart from Mitch who was desperate to start a mosh pit with anyone he could.

After a quick team photo it was then time for a fitness sesh involving burpees, star jumps ,sit ups and a sprint finish. And it was Team Holgate who came up trumps with some rapid working out

Great session everyone

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John BourtonLaura BarrettPaul KellyVicky Hearson
Jenna Drury
Jenna Drury signed up to a group run.

Mon 15th Jul at 6:15pm

Bark chip spreading at Hull Road Park

Keep the flower beds looking their best

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Jenna Drury
Jenna Drury signed up to a party.

Sun 21st Jul at 1:30pm

Restore Nature Now - York march

March to protect the nature we love in York

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Vicky Hearson
Dom Tooze
Jenna Drury
Jenna Drury went on a group run

Mon 17th Jun at 6:15pm

Forest fun in the sun

York Report written by Vicky Hearson (she/her)

Despite the earlier rain we were treated to some very pleasant sunshine for tonight's group run.

We welcomed newcomers Chris and Polly to the group and named off stating our favourite vegetable in honour of national vegetable day. Counting at the same time proved too complex so Vicky did a headcount instead!

Laura led out the group with Barbara and Vicky backmarking.

When we arrived we collected tools and got to work clearing a forest as part of the schools new forest area. We chopped, sawed, lopped and tugged away and we soon filled the green bins, made a pile yo be chipped and made a stack of den building logs.

To finish we did a tough tabata session - 20 seconds hard with 10 seconds rest. Everyone gave it some good effort and we were quickly through two rounds, got a group photo and on our way back.

Great turnout and effort tonight - good work everyone. Hope to see you soon. Next week its another school, another forest school at Tang Hall Primary.

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Laura BarrettVicky HearsonJohn Bourton
Jenna Drury
Jenna Drury signed up to a group run.

Mon 17th Jun at 6:15pm

Helping Acomb Primary with their forest school

Help create a learning environment for children

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Laura BarrettVicky Hearson
Jenna Drury
Jenna Drury signed up to a party.

Thu 13th Jun at 6:30pm

Thurs night social run and pub

After the success of the last 2 social runs come join us for a run and/or some pub grub in great company - something for everyone

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Vicky Hearson
Jenna Drury
Jenna Drury went on a group run

Mon 3rd Jun at 6:15pm

GoodGymalayan Balsam

York Report written by Ed Woollard (He/Him)

There was something for everyone at this week's Group Run with cycling, walking, steady and faster options on offer for a fantastic 24 GGers. We started by welcoming first timer Sophie who set off with Vicky et al as part of the walking crew 👋. We also announced the first half of the GoodGymmer of the month award with Mitch getting his turn in the frame for getting stuck in to a load of Good deeds and leading some missions. Well done Mitch 👏

Before setting off, we warmed up with a nod to World Bicycle Day (according to Amy's Garmin) by pretending to ride our imaginary bicycles around the CVS car park, much to the dismay of the more avid cyclists amongst us 🚲. Then it was off the Fulford Ings for Balsam Bashing Round 2!

At the task we were joined by Emma and a rather late Ben, who looked like he'd put in some serious effort to try and catch up with the running crew🏃‍♂! Nicola from St Nicks gave out a brief overview to those who were making their Balsam Bashing debut whilst the more seasoned veterans got stuck straight in.

Anna and Sophie made a fab start and soon got to work pulling out what they thought was Balsam left, right and centre, before Ed pointed out that what they had been pulling out was unfortunately something else! Don't worry guys, there were a few others making the same mistake

There's not too much else that can be said about Balsam that hasn't been said before, but there was much debate over the correct method as well as plenty of new pun options for future run reports. By the way, this week's genius word play came from Abi, not me!

Before too long it was time to head back to base, but not before a quick plank race on millennium field, with some very questionable planks and some very eager plankers

When we got back to CVS we were able to dish out the second half of our GGer of the month award to Lyndsey who had also completed a shed load of Good Deeds over the last couple of months as well as keeping the Friday Lunch Hill Rep Club alive 💪

Fab sesh everyone. See you next week for the third and final bash

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Laura BarrettJohn BourtonVicky HearsonPaul Kelly
Jenna Drury
Jenna Drury went on a group run

Mon 27th May at 6:15pm

To Node or Not to Node

York Report written by Pete

The answer of course is to node but more of that in a minute…..The rain had come and gone and so with a flurry of last minute sign ups we were up to 18 - not bad considering it was also a Bank Holiday.

Recognising the Griffs recent completion of the SW Coast path and in particular a fabulous 300th good deed for Lucy there shortly followed a gentle warm up. With a nod to the cheese rolling competition held on the same day we numbered off to the favourite choice of accompaniment to cheese - some expected answers but also some weird choices… names.

It was one of our longer runs to the task so we had 2 groups who arrived at the same time and were soon put to work by the good people of St Nicks to attack GG’s long term adversary - namely Balsam. There is certainly enough of it in York and we could do a task every day and still find more. However, our efforts are never in vain as the work we and other groups do keeps it in check. Split into groups we had some pulling and some scything although all of us may have been suffering from the odd nettle sting. Those that pulled were careful to node … in other words make sure the root type bits are separated from the stalks to ensure no re growth occurs. There was some discussion about the voracity of Balsam for shampoo and we may find out if it works if indeed Rich works it into his scalp.

While Jenna was vigorously attacking with the scyth and Craig (good to have you back) was unearthing signposts signs amongst the undergrowth, Helen and Catherine were getting stuck in to their first group run by decimating the dreaded plant. However, when Helen got waterproof trousers and full jacket out of her bag it suggested that she had done this before and while it looked warm she may have been the only one protected from the nettles.

After the group photo the 2 groups started out together with one group making use of a local fitness frame by showing core strength and dodgy made up exercises before catching up with the other group in time for stretches, pub and brownies (thanks Babs - delicious as always). Thanks for all that came - a lovely evening as it turned out - lets hope for more during round 2 next week

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Vicky HearsonLaura BarrettJohn Bourton
