Ema Quinn


(she/her) Liverpool Area Activator, mountain hiking beach wanderer at heart, a surprised runner, and wild swimming wannabe.


Good Deeds

Cheers given
Cheers received

Area activator
Doing good since January 2021

Done a group run this month

46 Month Streak

Badger Badge
Black T-Shirt
Mission Impossible
On a roll
Tirunesh Dibaba
Ethan Hunt
Starter's pistol
Finding your feet
Walk Leader
Easy 10
High 5
Community Cape
GoodGym Runner
Hat Doffer


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Get together to share ideas and plans for the year ahead! ALL WELCOME & ENCOURAGED TO COME ALONG
🗓Monday 17th February 6:30pm

📍The Arts Bar L1 9BY

to help GoodGym Liverpool to keep growing and building on the success of last year together!

Ema QuinnSallyann HardwickSiân PhillipsPauline Harrison
4 GoodGymers are going
Latest activity
Ema Quinn
Ema Quinn (She/her) signed up to a group run.

Mon 17th Feb at 6:30pm

Get together to share ideas and plans for the year ahead! ALL WELCOME & ENCOURAGED TO COME ALONG

to help GoodGym Liverpool to keep growing and building on the success of last year together!

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Ema Quinn
Ema Quinn
Ema Quinn (She/her) went on a group run

Mon 3rd Feb at 6:30pm

Trolley Dolly

Liverpool Report written by Sophie McClellan

This Monday we were back are Park Lane with Elaine from Urban Green Up, helping to lay mulch on the site to avoid the weeds taking over. Elaine was expecting some contractors the very next day so we had to work swiftly to ensure the site was ready for them to start work.

Upon arrival Elaine couldn't wait to show us her new toy - a foldable trolley! This really came in handy with transporting the mulch from the huge pile on the street (the pictures really don't do it justice!) to the other end of the site where it was needed.

We split into teams with one team shoveling and moving bags of mulch and the other raking the mulch out to cover the necessary areas.

We didn't quite manage to move all of the mulch but the sight was looking much neater by the time we left. Well done everyone - we can't wait to see what the summer brings for his amazing space!

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Harvey GallagherIvo

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Sallyann Hardwick

Thu 6th Feb at 5:21pm

Awww lovely report

Ema Quinn
Ema Quinn (She/her)

Thu 6th Feb at 6:22pm

Fabulous xx

Ema Quinn
Ema Quinn (She/her) went on a group run

Mon 27th Jan at 6:30pm

Koala-ty Work

Liverpool Report written by Lucien Dobel-Ober (He/Him)

On Monday Goodgym returned to the familiar greenery at Park Lane, where a regular Goodgym collaborator Elaine manages a little patch of wild plants, carefully curated to boost biodiversity and air quality. After our midwinter efforts to de-nettle the site, we were this time set to spreading fresh mulch all over the site, to prepare the soil for Spring, and keep the weeds at bay. From the outset this was likely to be a two-parter task, but we launched into it as best we could, to cut the mountain of mulch down to size, so it could later be spread more evenly over the site. As per the Goodgym way, we collected a little litter as we worked away, including even the titular marsupial mascot for this task (see pictures). We didn't quite finish the mulch moving this week, but Goodgym will return next week to finish the job, and I'm sure we'll be back working with Elaine more too as the days grow longer and her plants begin to flourish again.

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Ema QuinnPauline HarrisonTheresa JosephHarvey GallagherIvoChalomi King

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Sallyann Hardwick

Thu 6th Feb at 6:47pm

Gorgeous report and sums up a lovely evening too

Ema Quinn
Ema Quinn (She/her) signed up to a community mission.

Sat 10th May at 11:00am

Border planting in the Japanese Gardens in Festival Gardens

Visitors will be able to access the garden more easily and see the beauty of the gardens.

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Pauline Harrison
Ema Quinn
Ema Quinn (She/her) signed up to a community mission.

Sun 27th Jul at 11:00am

Pauline HarrisonIvo
Ema Quinn
Ema Quinn (She/her) signed up to a community mission.

Sun 4th May at 11:00am

Pauline Harrison
Ema Quinn
Ema Quinn (She/her) signed up to a community mission.

Sun 23rd Feb at 11:00am

Pauline Harrison
Ema Quinn
Ema Quinn (She/her) signed up to a group run.

Mon 3rd Feb at 6:30pm

Mulching at Park Lane... part two!

Supporting award winning pollinator pathways

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Pauline HarrisonChalomi KingEma QuinnSiân Phillips
Ema Quinn
Ema Quinn (She/her) went on a community mission

Wed 22nd Jan at 6:00pm

Out of the frying pan, into the Choir!

Liverpool Report written by Lucien Dobel-Ober (He/Him)

Goodgym Liverpool have several times now helped out at events with charity The Choir With No Name, a national charity which provides music, food, and community to people who are unhoused or otherwise in need of a bit of extra support. We're well acquainted with the Liverpool branch, and this Wednesday we made a long awaited visit to a classic weekly CwNN rehearsal session, where we were enlisted to lend a hand, and get involved with the amazing work they do. After some miscellaneous setting up of tables and chairs, Bekah split off to brave the kitchen, where she helped Choir volunteers to cook up a hearty meal of spaghetti for the whole group. Meanwhile, the rest of us kept busy reorganising the storage cupboard, finishing up just in time to join in with some (quite challenging..!) singing alongside the Choir. After the practice, we joined the group for a lovely communal meal, and helped out with the washing and clearing up.

It was amazing and inspiring to finally get to experience the work that CwNN does on a weekly basis, and massive thanks to the indefatigable Ema, who has brought the Choir together with Goodgym through her work for both charities. We're always keen to attend CWNN events, and hope to lend support at plenty more sessions like this in the future..!

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Chalomi KingSiân PhillipsEma Quinn
Ema Quinn
Ema Quinn (She/her) went on a group run

Mon 13th Jan at 6:30pm

What makes a flower glow in the dark? A light bulb!

Liverpool Report written by Sallyann Hardwick

Snow and ice had stopped us in our tracks over the last few weeks. so it was with great delight we donned our summer clothes at a balmy 6 degrees and headed out for our 1st session of the year.

Grant Gardens former site of Liverpool Necropolis is a large green space in the midst of a built up area. it sits nestles into the corner of a busy road junction and only when you walk in the gates you realise that this is a big plot of land. Last time we were here we were head high in swathes of wild flowers. This time we had two tasks bulb planting and litter picking and we set to the tasks with great joy and goodgym vigour.

Some people used a special tool to carve out plug shaped holes to drop the bulbs in (a clod cutter perhaps?) others planted the many many bulbs whilst others picked up the litter to return the space to its natural beauty. as always the time passed quickly as we worked amidst the remnants of snowmen under a clear sky and the rising wolf moon.

This was our Pauline's 975 task.... we look forward to celebrating the big one with her this year.and we can't wait for spring to see all the bulbs flowering a reminder of a warm winters night.... OK so maybe the temperature wasn't that warm but a Monday night with a crowd of Goodgymers makes us all feel a little warm inside.

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Harvey GallagherChalomi KingSiân PhillipsIvoEma Quinn

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Ema Quinn
Ema Quinn (She/her)

Tue 14th Jan at 7:58pm

Ahhh, warm in heart and smiles xx

Pauline Harrison

Tue 14th Jan at 8:35pm

Fabulous report, Sal... and a great task x
