Bekah West


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Moving an old tumble dryer for Mr J (flexi) (wk1)
🗓Monday 29th July 6:00pm

This will allow Mr J to be able to use his bathroom without a tumble drier getting in his way.

Bekah WestPauline Harrison
2 GoodGymers are going - no space left 😢
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Bekah West
Bekah West signed up to a mission.

Mon 29th Jul at 6:00pm

Moving an old tumble dryer for Mr J (flexi) (wk1)

This will allow Mr J to be able to use his bathroom without a tumble drier getting in his way.

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Bekah West
Bekah West signed up to a group run.

Mon 29th Jul at 6:30pm

Teaming up with Friends of Everton Park!

Helping the park volunteers keep our park with the spectacular views in shape!

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Bekah West
Bekah West went on a community mission

Sun 21st Jul at 11:00am

Ema Quinn

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Bekah West

Wed 17th Jul at 12:01pm

I can be there at the start to help set up and stay for a couple of hours until around 1pm :)

Bekah West
Bekah West signed up to a community mission.

Sun 21st Jul at 11:00am

A GoodGym Info Stall and supporting the Liverpool Arab Arts Festival at the beautiful Sefton Park Palm House

spreading the word about GoodGym, recruiting new members while keeping the event clear of litter - win-win!!

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Ema Quinn
Bekah West
Bekah West went on a group run

Mon 15th Jul at 6:30pm

Slopely but Surely Clearing the Pagoda

Liverpool Report written by Bekah West

Despite torrential rain forecast, ten hardy GoodGymers headed to Pagoda Arts, a fantastic organisation who provide opportunities for people to engage with Chinese cultural activities.

There was some drizzle as three GoodGymers met at Hope Street to run to the task, and we welcomed back GoodGymer Jo from GoodGym Exeter, who doesn’t let work trips stop her from joining tasks. We enjoyed the shelter of the trees outside the centre whilst the group gathered, and fortunately the heavy rain predicted held off, not that that would have stopped us! The non-runners kept themselves active too, with Pauline cycling and Lucian and others arriving by foot.

The task was to clear the outside area and we soon set to work. Litter was picked, brambles and thistles were removed, and the team did a fantastic job of scaling the very steep slope outside the centre and getting it looking spick and span. We were all very impressed with the “large leaf grabber” which Jake used to make short work of clearing the fallen leaves.

During our clearing Sian came across a small knife which had been discarded. Safety first, Ema was quick to remind the team of the process for sharps and arranged for it to be safely disposed of with the centre’s sharps kit. We were pleased to make the area much cleaner and safer for the centre’s community.

There was a clear difference made and the Pagoda were so delighted with the work done, they treated us to a round of Chinese tea, which Sallyann correctly identified as jasmine. We enjoyed our cuppa to the relaxing sound of the tai chi class which was going on in the main hall (and which Miriam was tempted to join!).

Pagoda Arts have already booked us in for the next Chinese New Year and there was talk of further sessions to help out in Autumn. It’s a lovely organisation and we’ll be pleased to be back there soon.

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Ema Quinn
Bekah West
Bekah West signed up to a group run.

Mon 15th Jul at 6:30pm

Clearing up the garden with our friends at Pagoda Arts

Keeping the gardens beautiful for the local community

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Ema Quinn
Bekah West
Bekah West went to a social

Wed 10th Jul at 7:00pm

(B)race yourself for a British Picnic.

Liverpool Report written by Sallyann Hardwick

In the local running diary is the Tony Barnes Memorial 5 miler - organised by a local running group and set in one of our local parks -  its a very popular event. This year Bekah and Chris had signed up to take part. For Bekah this was her furthest she has run and for Chris it was a return to run events after a break of two years.

It had been very hot on our task on Monday and there was concern that it might be gruelling hot for the run - this wasn't a problem on the night as the temperature had plummeted and near winter had arrived again. I turned up beforehand to hang out and soak up the vibes of pre run- (always a chance for a chat to everyone as well). as well as offer my support.  The time before the run starts can be that strange mixture of excitement and nervousness and I planned to give a well meaning pep talk. However I got distracted by a.) being so excited at Bekah and Chris's imminent run and personal challenges and b.) seeing people to chat to. Before long the run started and the runners set off. Fortunately for everyone Miriam arrived and took to cheerleading like a true pro - it was such good fun to be cheering on with someone with equal enthusiasm. Then Miriam showed her trump card - her camera skills - we had situated ourselves somewhat by fluke that we would see Bekah and Chris 4 times in differing directions  - I managed to photograph the back of one of their heads despite lots of trying. Miriam caught them on each passing. Each time they passed they looked strong and gave us smiles and thumbs up - they both individually  paced themselves so well -  not running out of steam -  each finishing really strong and with a smile. We had NO doubt they would do well but I know they both exceeded their own expectations.

The thing about being there when people achieve their goals and succeed their goals is its a privilege  -  to witness the slight nervousness, the little doubt and then the euphoria - and that euphoria is infectious Miriam and I were grinning and jumping for them both.

At the finish line we were joined by Chris's friend Serena  who we soon found out is a Goodgym Sheffield member. So lovely to spend time with you - hope to see you again soon Serena.

Then what better way to end this evening but a picnic - we were all excited about Bekah's famous sausage rolls.. (she also had some vegan ones) as we stood around at the finish line  Chris uttered the magical words of 'where are the sausage rolls then?'  which was the cue to pick up our picnic bags find a spot by the beautiful Palm house and bring out our shared goodies for a feast... and what a feast.

We sat and ate and chatted and despite the weather which was overcast, windy and cold we managed to spend a considerable amount of time picnicking in the british 'summertime' . Whilst the sausage rolls were winning sausage rolls I have to say that for me Bekah and Chris were our winners. Well done to you both.

If you are inspired, enthused, in awe, motivated by all this talk of sausage rolls..... I mean running then why not meet us at the suitcases on a Monday evening.  We run to the task,  we welcome everyone. 

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Ema Quinn

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Ema Quinn
Ema Quinn (She/her)

Thu 11th Jul at 9:46pm

Brilliant report Sallyann, I felt tlike I was there cheering and grinning (and tucking into the vegan sausage rolls too) well done everyone xxx

Bekah West
Bekah West done 50 good deeds and got their black t-shirt 😎

Monday 1st July

Black T-Shirt

Black T-Shirt

Bekah West done 50 good deeds and got their black t-shirt

The next time you see Bekah, they might be wearing black instead of red. They've completed 50 good deeds with GoodGym and have earnt their black t-shirt. Give them a nod when you next see them.

Ema Quinn
Bekah West
Bekah West went on a group run

Mon 1st Jul at 6:30pm

Look how well weedid at Mulgrave street

Liverpool Report written by Sophie McClellan

This week, we were back on Mulgrave street to help Kahn from Mulgrave Street Action group keep the weeds at bay.

There was one particular bed that was in need of clearing, so we set to work. The main challenge, as always with gardening tasks, was deciding what constitutes a weed... But with clear guidance from Khan we were able to clear space for the plants to flourish and we ended up filling 6 bags full of weeds!

Special shout out goes to Afrah who joined us for the first time and Bekah who completed her 50th task today! Excellent work from both.

It is always a pleasure to work with Mulgrave street Action Group and it is fantastic to see how well the garden is doing! Well done for all your hard work folks - I'm sure next time we will be able to see the results of our efforts in full force!

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Ema Quinn
