0 Month Streak
0 Month Streak
8 Month Streak
Block or report Liam Pritchard
Mon 3rd Feb at 6:30pm
Liverpool Report written by Sophie McClellan
This Monday we were back are Park Lane with Elaine from Urban Green Up, helping to lay mulch on the site to avoid the weeds taking over. Elaine was expecting some contractors the very next day so we had to work swiftly to ensure the site was ready for them to start work.
Upon arrival Elaine couldn't wait to show us her new toy - a foldable trolley! This really came in handy with transporting the mulch from the huge pile on the street (the pictures really don't do it justice!) to the other end of the site where it was needed.
We split into teams with one team shoveling and moving bags of mulch and the other raking the mulch out to cover the necessary areas.
We didn't quite manage to move all of the mulch but the sight was looking much neater by the time we left. Well done everyone - we can't wait to see what the summer brings for his amazing space!
Wed 5th Feb at 6:30pm
A chance to run on the sands of the lovely sefton coastline and then warm up and chat in one of the local cafe bars
Read moreMon 3rd Feb at 6:30pm
Sat 18th Jan at 8:45am
Liverpool Report written by Siân Phillips (she/her)
Sallyann enticed us all to come to parkrun by announcing that if you attend all 12 Goodgym parkrun sessions in the year, as a runner or volunteer or even a breakfaster, there will be a mystery prize. This drew lots of us in, including Liam even though he was setting off for Costa Rica later in the day! Sallyann, Lucien and Pauline came to cheer on and photograph Liam, Bekah, Ellie, Julie, and Sian who joined a huge crowd of enthusiastic runners, numbers probably swelled by New Year Resolutions to a total of 669. It was Goodgymmer Eileen's 100th session as a parkrun volunteer, an amazing achievement. A special shout-out also goes to Heetu who wasn't able to join us as she was doing a trail run on the Llyn Peninsula. After the run we went to escape the cold in a cafe for brunch, arriving at Espresso on Park Road moments before the shutters went up for the day so that it felt like it was opening just for us. We're experimenting with a new nearby cafe for brunch each month, and February might see us heading to Lodge Lane. We had a lovely chat and catch-up and are looking forward to the next task!
Thu 16th Jan at 6:30pm
Liverpool Report written by Lucien Dobel-Ober (He/Him)
On Thursday a gang of Goodgymers met at Crown park armed with litter-pickers and a plan. Unlike previous similar tasks in the past, this time we decided to mix up the fitness and the cleaning in a relay format, with different groups taking turns to either pick litter or do fitness exercises, switching every 10 minutes or so. Prepared with resistance bands as well as our running shoes, Sallyann led us with some great strength exercises, and by the end of the session we had gathered two full bags of litter...pretty good considering the light conditions. We even had a few attempts on the local gym equipment, with some hanging, and pull-ups to round off the session.
A fun new take on an old Goodgym formula, I'm sure we'll try more sessions like this in the future, especially as the days grow longer and warmer..!
Thu 16th Jan at 6:30pm
Cleaning up the streets while having some active fun.
Read moreMon 6th Jan at 6:30pm
Helping keep the back play area in good condition
Read moreSat 18th Jan at 8:45am
Why not collect Goodgym parkrun sessions if you get all twelve in the year there is a mystery prize!
Read moreSat 11th Jan at 8:00am