Surrey Docks Farm

Surrey Docks Farm is free to enter educational farm on the Thames, London.
Surrey Docks Farm is run by a charity and provides education for school children, young people and adults with learning difficulties. Our work helps with essential maintenance and helps them keep the farm operating.

204 GoodGymers have supported Surrey Docks Farm with 76 tasks.

Top supporters
Sam Lefevre
Sam Lefevre (he/him)
Southwark runner
Southwark runner
Greenwich runner
Lambeth runner

Upcoming sessions
Helping out at Surrey Docks Farm 🐏🐖🐐

Sunday 28th July 2024 10:30am - 12:30pm

Helping out at Surrey Docks Farm 🐏🐖🐐

Sunday 18th August 2024 10:30am - 12:30pm

Previous sessions
SouthwarkCommunity mission
Isaac BeevorLeena MamtoraBethLobo

Please don't stop the moo-sic!

Sunday 30th June

Written by Southwark runner

Yesterday, Lobo Isaac and Paulin went to Surrey Docks Farm to help out. Pat from the farm met us at the gates and quickly got us pulling us grass to make one of the paths wider and more accessible. As usual, wise Pat shared her encyclopedic knowledge of plants and bugs. Meanwhile, Isaac shared his repertoire of (very accurate!) farm animal impressions and got licked by a cow many times. The task took a surprising amount of time, and before we knew it, our time was almost up.

As a treat at the end, Pat gave us some willow and bags of oats to feed the goats and the cows.

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SouthwarkCommunity mission

Just kidding!

Sunday 28th April

Written by Southwark runner

Today, 5 Goodgymmers went to help out at Surrey Docks Farm. After a slow start, we found Pat, who gave us a series of sweeping tasks. Pat told us that was particularly impactful because the farm some troubles with drainage, so sweeping the paths meant that dirt and hay won't get washed away in the rain causing blocked drains.

We worked like a team on one of those cleaning transformation shows on TV, turning paths, gutters and goat yards sparkling clean. We made 5 wheelbarrows of dirt/poo/hay and we took them down to the muck heap. The goat yard had baby goats in, which was different to usual.

At the end, we had a special treat to see the "orphaned" lambs and then we fed the sheep and the goats.

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SouthwarkCommunity mission
Emma McNally
Anna LeonidouMarkella AndreouLindy MacfarlaneJohn Shirley

Spring has sprung

Sunday 24th March

Written by Emma McNally

Anna, Rebecca, John, Lindy, Markella, and I arrived at Surrey Docks Farm at 10:30am for our introduction with Pat. It was a beautiful Spring day with the sun shining and new lambs recently born on the farm. Our first task was to move large plant pots in the greenhouse which involved heavy lifting and was a good warm-up task. Our second task was moving woodchip (a Goodgym special) from the Orchard to the other side of the farm. After a lot of shoveling and wheelbarrowing, we managed to complete the task. Our reward at the end was to visit the newborn lambs and to say hello to the older orphan lambs which require bottle feeding at the farm.

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SouthwarkCommunity mission
Maria KostouliaBeata

Manure? Manure.

Sunday 25th February

Written by Maria Kostoulia (she/they)

Beata, Joe, and Maria spent their Sunday morning at the Surrey Docks Farm helping out with packing up manure.

They needed to pack 16 bags that had been pre-ordered for pickup on Monday. After changing into appropriate footwear and getting the hang of the tools, they tackled the task speedily, leaving enough time to shift some woodchip into bags!

As a reward, they got to meet Custard and Cream, the two black cows at the farm, and feed them some rolled barley.

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SouthwarkCommunity mission
AndradaSander Heinsalu
Anna LeonidouEmma

Want to see something bunny?

Sunday 28th January

Written by Southwark runner

Today, 6 goodgymmers (and a boyfriend!) came to Surrey Docks farm to help out. We started in the goat pen, sweeping up the poo. And then we chopped down some christmas trees and tidied up the logs near the pizza oven. We finished early, but not before feeding the goats and holding some bunnies. What a treat, and what a beautiful day for it! ☀️

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SouthwarkCommunity mission
Daryl Shaw
Nirmay Sriharsha SingaramEmmaSander Heinsalu

Last Surrey Docks Farm session of the year

Sunday 10th December 2023

Written by Daryl Shaw (he/him)

We had 5 hardy Goodgymers at the farm on Sunday despite a few late dropouts (likely due to the weather forecast). Luckily, there was only a light rain while we completed the tasks that Pat had lined up for us. We started with collecting the fallen leaves on the Thames Path for mulch. We then split into two groups. Paulin, Sander, & Nirmay split off to bag up manure while Emma & Daryl tackled the hops on the fence at the edge of the farm. An hour and a half flew by and today we got to hold and see the ferrets in their ball pit while their cage was being cleaned.

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