Mora Primary and Nursery School 

41 GoodGymers have supported Mora Primary and Nursery School  with 16 tasks.

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Previous sessions
BrentGroup run
KatTabitha SkinnerTaniaPeteJosh Stevens

No Com-paints Here

Monday 3rd June

Written by Josh Stevens

Meeting in high spirits outside Beer & Burger, Tabitha, Chris and Josh got warm to a high energy session from Run Leader! Taking off on a glide down the hill and through the park to Mora primary with a small breeze working with us. Soon to be met by Kat and Tania who walked to the session. The team meet concluded with Pete whipping in on his bicycle with a speed that would put Mark Cavendish to shame.

Bodies warm, rollers and brushes prepped the team got to work massaging a beautiful magnolia onto the creamed out bricks on the ground hallway. With many memories made and some experience showing on the walls, the paint job was a lovely maintenance effort keeping Mora primary looking radiant. With a few risks of paint spillage and cleaning liquid cans with holes a swath of wall was smeared with magnolia delight.

Proud of the speed applied on the session, Tabitha, Chris, Josh and Pete sped back to B&B fir a cool beverage. Whilst Kat and Tania walked home head held high!

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BrentGroup run
Tabitha SkinnerKatTaniaLee WorthPeteKaren ElliottSamina

I'm A De-leafer!

Monday 29th April

Written by Tabitha Skinner

Goodgym Brent on a sunny Monday evening and jogged 2km to Mora Road Primary School. The painting and jetwashing tasks were not ready for us, so we made a tree-mendous effort at sweeping the playground. We swept up the leaves and any rubbish, ensuring the local primary school children can play happily without slipping. Great job everyone!

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BrentGroup run
Tabitha SkinnerCherian LiJosh StevensSaminaBeatrizLee Worth

Broom to Maneuver

Monday 19th February

Written by Josh Stevens

With a small group pre meet of just two at Beer & Burger, Tabitha led the group of Josh at a blistering pace in training for future race pace. To the welcome sight of Samina & Cherian patiently waiting at the task site. Only arriving to learn the famed powerful jet washer was feeling a little under the weather and wasn't showing face for work that night.

Not to be deterred Group Leader Tabitha got into gear with the back up task of improving the cleanliness and safety of the children's play area at the school. The group collected Beatriz and Lee to fill the team at full-strength.

Tools of instruction in hand the battle of astro turf versus sand grains begun. Quickly learning how to optimise the group put manufacturing lines to shame with efficency at top regard... after safety. With teamwork, learnings from mistakes and a few beads of sweat, the group turned the playgrounds undesired desert into appropriate child's play areas clean from sand.

After such a contribution the team parted ways, Samina, Beatriz, and Cherian home. Whilst Tabitha took Josh on a training run through the rolling hills of Gladstone Park. Only for backmarker, Lee the athlete he is to make it to Beer & Burger first!

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BrentGroup run
Tabitha SkinnerLee WorthKatPete

Raking new (play) ground

Monday 20th November 2023

Written by Tabitha Skinner

On Monday we met in Willesden and jogged to Mora road Primary School where our task for the evening , be leaf it or not , was sweeping the playground so the children can play safely outside .

We used brooms , dustpans and rakes to clear the leaves unbeleafably fast . we emptied them into bins and admired our work .

Then we tested out the clean playground by playing bulldog , Lee started in the centre and our first winner was Kat , excellent work ! we played a Second round and Louise was the next winner ! We ended with a team photo , returned the brooms and then headed back for a well earned rest

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BrentGroup run
Tabitha SkinnerXeniaCouros SheibaniSaminaLee WorthPeteJosh Stevens

Unbeleafable Day Back at School 🍃🧹

Monday 11th September 2023

Written by Tabitha Skinner

This week Goodgym Brent were very pleased to welcome a new runner to the group, Couros! We were equally pleased to welcome back Xenia for the second time !

We had been promised a bit Mor-a painting at Mora School , but it was all finished before our visit. The school were still grateful for our help as they have a huge playground that needed sweeping so after our hellos and warm ups we jogged to Mora School .

On arrival we had a few minutes to spare while waiting for the brushes, so we played a fast paced game of British Bulldog , taking some of us back to our primary school days . We then got started on the task of sweeping the playground to ensure the children can play safely in a clean playground , free of litter and leaves .

Once the playground was swept, we re grouped for some fitness exercises . Pete led the group with some jogs at increasing speeds across the playground. Following this, we took it in turns to master our football skills weaving a ball in and out of cones. As the night started to fall we ended with a wall sit challenge , congratulations to the champions Xenia and Pete !

We then jogged back to Willesden for a well deserved cold drink. Well done everyone , Bra vo !

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BrentGroup run
Amy CrawfordXeniaLizzyJosh StevensPeteSamina

UnLock and Roll

Monday 4th September 2023

Written by Tabitha Skinner

Big numbers for a big task tonight. We welcomed lots of new faces, including Xenia and Katy. It was a lovely late summer evening, and we jogged through Gladstone park to arrive at Mora Primary School. There we waited patiently for them to notice the shouting, waving and phone calls and they UnLocked the door and welcomed us in.

Then we all got into one room and rolled the paint on

We rolled down the floor cloths, put our painting gloves on and rolled the paint smoothly down the walls, using the finer brushes to create that final polishing touch. Everyone who could see colours painted, everyone else... scraped the old paint off. sensible job allocations, team!

As the sweat dripped down our brows, down this paint crawled, down this paint crawled.

With only two rollers and some very small brushes we managed to finish one of the rooms, ready for a second coat on our return next week. We packed up, washed up , brushed the floor and jogged back to Willesden

Thank you everyone for joining! Hope to see you again soon

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