0 Month Streak
0 Month Streak
8 Month Streak
Mon 26th Aug at 6:45pm
Brent Report written by Josh Stevens
First group met at Beer & Burger including Tabitha, Pete, Hannah, Josh and Samina. Shaking off the long weekend slumps, the journey to Kingsgate began.
A little sweaty and out of breath, the team meets Ajay at the task location, with Beatriz and Lee also joining.
After a short walk and instruction the gardening team got to work, pruning, sculpting, weeding, and creatively building a floral masterpiece in the garden plots. The end result being so perfect local residents came outside to enquire and offered to water them moving forward.
Feeling fulfilled and content the team started the uphill climb back to consume a well deserved drink and chip or two!
Mon 26th Aug at 6:45pm
Helping our local community with this important task
Read moreMon 12th Aug at 6:45pm
Brent Report written by Tabitha Skinner
The hottest Monday of the year so far and Hannah and Tabitha were brave enough to run two miles to Abbey Community Centre, our local community centre who always have events going on and are keen for us to help them look their best. You can read about them here :
Here we met Jason , Lee , Beatriz and Anne Mari. A big welcome to Annemari , to her very first Goodgym !
We split into two teams , with one group cleaning chairs , and the second group cleaning the windows until we could see our faces in them .
We posed for a photo , and headed either home or to beer and burger for a Cooldown , chips and chat
Excellent work everyone !!
Mon 12th Aug at 6:45pm
Helping our local community with this important task
Read moreMon 1st Jul at 6:45pm
Brent Report written by Samina
Goodgym Brent met at Willesden, and welcomed first timer Meg to the group. We warmed up then ran 2.5km to Kingsgate to help sort out two roadside community planters.
We were equipped with gloves and gardening tools with which we trimmed the nettles, cut overhanging branches, and removed the weeds.
Josh handled the unwieldy loppers in a skilful pruning of the branches, and Tania, Karen, Tabitha, Pete, Beatriz, Meg and Samina also used their gardening skills to assist Ajay with plucking weeds, pulling out the stinging nettles and piling up the branches for collection.
There was a joyful interchange of gardening related encouragements amongst us, and we did a great job of clearing all the weeds. Some local residents stopped to thank us for the difference we were making .
We posed for a group photo then we ran back to the pub for some drinks and discussion of the summer social
Great job everyone!
Mon 24th Jun at 6:45pm
Brent Report written by Samina
On the longest and sunniest Monday of the year , Goodgym Brent ran 2.5km to meet Ajay from Kingsgate Garden Club.
We ran to some community planters that were overgrown and needed some loving care and attention. Tabitha and Samina made a good start pulling out the weeds, setting branches aside for collection, and throwing away the litter . Josh got to work with a large lopper. He trimmed the overhanging branches , cutting down high branches , to ensure that cars and pedestrians had a clear view of the road. It made the junction a lot safer for all .
Tania and Beatriz removed huge amounts of ivy that was suffocating a tree, as well as removing more weeds that were over taking the beds.
Now the beds are clear, new plants will be added to brighten up the local area , as soon as plans are approved .
We cleared up, posed for a photo and made our way back. Excellent job everyone !
Mon 24th Jun at 6:45pm
Helping our local community with this important task
Read moreMon 10th Jun at 6:45pm
Josh, Samina and Pete met at Beer n Burger, did a warm up and jogged 3.6km to Granville road play area where we met Sadie and Imogen and Beatriz and Lee. Josh and Beatriz had recently completed 50 and 10 group runs respectively so congratulations to both of them. Sadie dolled out the tools and gloves. We weeded the central garden area around the wooden frames and cleared quite a lot of brush. We were in good spirits only dampened by one brief short shower. The area was left a lot clearer. We put away tools then jogged back to B and B for a quick drink, chips and a nice chat. Well done!
Mon 10th Jun at 6:45pm
Helping our local community with this important task
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