Lee Worth


Reluctant runner, pub quizzer, ever-optimistic Spurs supporter, traveller, bang average squash player and footballer, subtitling manager


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Tirunesh Dibaba
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Lee Worth
Lee Worth went on a group run

Mon 15th Jul at 6:45pm

SNailed it

Brent Report written by Josh Stevens

With energy levels matching the emotion of the skies, Tabitha, Pete & Josh convened at Beer and Burger prepped for an adventure. Off over yonder to Clitterhouse Farm under rainfall stronger than the tears of English fans 20 hours earlier.

With the sins washed away and meeting fellow Good Gymer Lee suitably prepared for the weather. With quick instruction from Anika, the Clitterhouse Chief, the team got to work. Diving in the garden to collect the problematic snails and slugs destroying the farm plants, vegetables and flowers.

Worthy opponents who used the environment to their advantage hiding under leaves, between stalks and burrowing into the soil when under threat. The designated survivor being the leopard slugs, saved for their efforts in cleaning up and devouring fellow slugs and snails.

With slug buckets full, clothing drenched and a happy chief, next phase begun. Under the protection of the greenhouse water moved from mild to extreme temperatures and quickly shared with the full buckets. As humane as possible.

The journey back for a drink at Beer & Burger begun with the biggest challenge being dodging the puddles quick becoming swimming pools. With everyone and everything well watered, the team had earned the right for a final celebration of the mid summer murders!

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Thu 18th Jul at 5:19pm

Nice report

Lee Worth
Lee Worth signed up to a group run.

Mon 15th Jul at 6:45pm

GG Brent - Clitterhouse gardening session

Helping our local community with this important task

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Lee Worth
Lee Worth went on a group run

Mon 8th Jul at 6:45pm

No hard slug

Brent Report written by Pete

Pete and Lee met at Abbey Community Centre and were furnished by Jason with cloths, gloves, bucket and squeegee stick. Then proceeded to clean and wipe some of the large external windows of the centre, coming up squeeky clean. Lee disturbed a huge slug, good to see some nature on the task. Good job, until next time.

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Lee Worth
Lee Worth signed up to a group run.

Mon 8th Jul at 6:45pm

GG Brent - Window washing at Abbey Community Centre

Helping our local community with this important task

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Lee Worth
Lee Worth went on a group run

Mon 17th Jun at 6:45pm

Mowing Over

Brent Report written by Josh Stevens

With summer peaking through on a Monday, Tabitha, Amir, Samina and Josh welcomed the long awaited return of Karen at Beer & Burger. Before setting off to Clitterhouse Farm in Cricklewood.

With vitamin D a plenty, the group picked Kat up along the way and met Olympic walker Lee there. Arriving to a warm welcome and a task of ensuring the remnants of 3 tonnes of top soil dissipated across the gardens.

Gloves on, shovels ready, trimmers sharpened, and mower charged the crew took the task of managing soil like the bosses they are.

A strong momentum and turn out led to quick results for the volume of soil, leading to a few perspiring brows. Satisfied with the efforts and looking to catch Lee on the roads, the initial crew took off back to Beer and Burger for a well deserved beverage!

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Lee Worth
Lee Worth signed up to a group run.

Mon 17th Jun at 6:45pm

GG Brent - Clitterhouse gardening task

Helping our local community with this important task

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Lee Worth
Lee Worth went on a group run

Mon 10th Jun at 6:45pm

Garden of weedin'

Brent Report written by Pete

Josh, Samina and Pete met at Beer n Burger, did a warm up and jogged 3.6km to Granville road play area where we met Sadie and Imogen and Beatriz and Lee. Josh and Beatriz had recently completed 50 and 10 group runs respectively so congratulations to both of them. Sadie dolled out the tools and gloves. We weeded the central garden area around the wooden frames and cleared quite a lot of brush. We were in good spirits only dampened by one brief short shower. The area was left a lot clearer. We put away tools then jogged back to B and B for a quick drink, chips and a nice chat. Well done!

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Lee Worth
Lee Worth signed up to a group run.

Mon 10th Jun at 6:45pm

Lee Worth
Lee Worth went on a group run

Mon 20th May at 6:45pm

Sunshine on Leith-lets

Brent Report written by Tabitha Skinner

we delivered Abbey Community centres newsletter full of exciting news about their activities

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