GoodGym Colchester

ColchesterCommunity mission

Bee-twixt a rock and a hard place!

Friday 18th October

Written by Stu

The last Beewalk of the year capturing data for the Bumblebee count 2024. After 8 months gathering data and submitting it to the Bumblebee Conservation Trust we will be eagerly awaiting the national results. Early indications show that this year was not good at all for bumblebees, an indicator species for the state of our wildlife. The good news...we can all do things to help improve the situation starting today. Visit the Trust's website for details.

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ColchesterCommunity mission

Barking up the right tree!

Friday 18th October

Written by Stu

Another session removing plastic tree guards from 100s of now established trees. Less plastic litter, more tree health, win win!

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ColchesterCommunity mission

Leaf no trace

Friday 18th October

Written by Helen

Another hour removing tree sleeves from trees who really don't need them anymore. 5 bags worth of plastic out of the undergrowth, and a happier space for nature to thrive.

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ColchesterCommunity mission

Tav compactor

Monday 14th October

Written by Frazer

Another Goodgym night in Colchester, this time on the High St as Christmas lights are being raised and tested. We joined Pam once more to remove the flowers from the many beds in preparation for a refresh later in the week. Getting them all into our few garden waste bags was a challenge, deploying the 'Tav compactor' to help us (jumping on flowers).

Some chat about kids birthdays, Ella's impressive half marathon and some chat with a German family about the meaning of L plates. Quirky but fun, the usual Goodgym outing..

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TavElla J

Bounding down Bournemouth beach

Sunday 13th October

Written by Ella J (She/her)

A lovely weekend in Bournemouth culminated in a 10k for Tavand James Taberner, as well as an amazing half marathon for Ella. The challenge was for Tav to finish the 10k quick enough for Ella to get the 20minute bus to the race start and we managed it. Ella ran a super 1.39hour and Tav ran 42 minutes.

Well done all! Tav was running to raise money for Love Support Unite, a lovely charity who help orphans in Malawi. If you'd like to donate click here

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ColchesterCommunity mission

And breathe…

Saturday 5th October

Written by Stu

How do you know when a tree is struggling to develop and show its true natural beauty? The answer becomes obvious when you remove a plastic tree-sleeve from its now caged and larger tree. The damage caused by the plastic is obvious but with the sleeves removed these trees now have a chance to fully develop in their own way. One tree would be great but a team of local volunteers removed hundreds. Stirling work on a lovely morning. Can’t wait to see this nature thrive.

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