0 Month Streak
0 Month Streak
5 Month Streak
Sat 14th Sep at 8:45am
Fri 13th Sep at 12:30pm
Colchester Report written by Helen
A great Beewalk today, counting bumblebees for the Bumblebee Conservation Trust. Anyone can create a route (needs to be approx 1k) and count bees between March and October to contribute to this vital data gathering project. More details at www.beewalk.org.uk. Today, Andy and Jo's eagle eyes helped us to spot an abundance of bumblebees - some busy, some less so! Huge thanks to everyone for supporting Colchester's local wildlife and capturing the all important numbers.
photo of Tree bumblebee (bombus hypnorum) supplied by Stuart.
Mon 9th Sep at 6:45pm
Colchester Report written by Ella Jeffries (She/her)
Five goodgymers headed out in the darkening twilight to make Colchester a bit cleaner. Five bags of rubbish collected including a very wet shoe!
Hoping our litterpicking efforts encourage a tidier population!
Well done goodgymers, our first session in our new community led format. It's a team effort, come join us!
Mon 9th Sep at 9:12pm
Good one Ellz
Wed 11th Sep at 3:36pm
Nice one team Colchester 🙌
Mon 9th Sep at 6:45pm
Fri 13th Sep at 12:30pm
Wed 4th Sep at 10:30am
Colchester Report written by Helen
Collected five bags of rubbish in total - helping the wildlife and green spaces to breathe a little. Lots of odd items, but plenty of the usual suspects. Spotted a few butterflies, a great tit and some ducks on the river.
Wed 4th Sep at 10:30am
Sat 31st Aug at 11:40am
Colchester Report written by Stu
There’s nothing like a Beewalk (citizen science project for the Bumble Conservation Trust www.bumblebeeconservation.org) to get an up close look at the condition of our local wildlife. It’s been a tough year for this indicator species (down 80% in number through July compared to last year) but there was a glimmer of hope this month with the return of some bumblebees to our regular transect. Picture shows a Common Carder, Bombus Pascuorum we think.
Thu 4th Jul at 1:33pm
Colchester Report written by Stu
On this special day, a change of government, 2 goodgymers collected 3 bags of litter along one of our main thoroughfares. Proud of our Labour.
Mon 1st Jul at 6:45pm
Colchester Report written by Frazer
On a bright but eventually rainy evening 4 Goodgymmers made their way down past the station to help Pam and Colchester in Bloom. Helen and Stu met us at the allotment already stuck into thick brambles, where it was rumoured some fruit trees once planted by Goodgym years before dwelled.
Some exciting news from Sophie following her holiday whilst Helen advocated the importance of protein, we took on some truly gnarly weeds before breaking them down for stashing in waste bags. Eventually, beyond the many thick layers a gorgeous cherry tree emerged, bearing some ripe and delicious cherries!
Despite trying to wrap up the task our volunteers were too keen to stop, insisting everything be cleared despite the falling rain. Once getting ourselves away finally we parted ways with a sense of great satisfaction. Another task cleared, with literal fruits to show for our labour.