0 Month Streak
0 Month Streak
34 Month Streak
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📍Mercury Theatre CO1 1PT
Make green spaces brighter for Colchester
Mon 30th Sep at 6:45pm
Colchester Report written by Frazer
As summer definitively winds down in windy rain and darkened evenings, 2 Goodgymmers made the full 5km+ run from home down to the local foodbank for our monthly clean. Following some chat about my daughters Harry Potter birthday party, we grabbed our own broomsticks for a swift run down the aisles and a spot of mopping and hoovering.
The lights were already on with music playing despite it being empty, either a foodbank ghost or a neglected task from the day shifts. Either way our quick stop helped keep it tidy for the morning before another casual jog back home.
Headtorches at the ready as we head into the Autumn tasks and chillier weather!