
Group run

Wild Thing, You Make My Pond Stink

24 GoodGymers made their way 2.5km to help the Millthorpe School in York.

  • Nick Griffin
  • York runner
  • Leanne
  • Ed Woollard
  • Nicola Gover
  • Jenna Drury
  • York runner
  • Paul Kelly
  • York runner
  • York runner
  • Abi Perrin
  • Debs Sharpe
  • Vicky Hearson
  • James Tilburn
  • Laura Barrett
  • Cara Organ
  • Abigail Darton
  • David Barrett
  • James Sandie
  • York runner
  • Martin Calvert
  • Neil Bushell
  • Richard Grayling
  • Radu Chirvasuta
Monday, 12th of February 2024
Led by Ed Woollard

It was awards night at GG York this week as we celebrated 4 people hitting some pretty chunky milestones. So much so that there wasn't enough capes to go around. But don't worry, everyone had a chance to twirl in the appropriate Cape of Good Deeds at some point.

First up it was the turn of Nick and Nikki who both celebrated their 300th(!) good deeds this evening (or not too long ago, sorry!). Give them a big ol' cheer 👏

Next it was the turn of a very late Abigail who recently completed her 100th good deed. Send some cheers her way 🙌

And since it was the closest group run to valentines day, what better way to name and number off than by naming the thing we love most about GoodGym. Needless to say there were some sickly-sweet answers along with Ed forgetting his wife existed ❤️

Then on to the task sandwiched by the Co-Area Activators where we met by Richard and Martin, who got the biggest cheer of the night for celebrating his 50th good deed. Well done Martin 👏

As for the task itself, there was a very smelly pond, some very squelchy boggy bits, some rapid blackboard painting, some digging and some bark chip spreading. James and Neil spent far too long failing to get some loppers unstuck whilst everyone else got stuck in to the various tasks on offer. So much so that there task was completed with a bit of time to spare 💪

Then it was off to Scarcroft Green for a fitness session that first saw GGers struggle to organise themselves into groups of 4, before having to perform 4 sets of various exercises before a quick dash to drop off a cone (repeat x 4). 4 reps, 4 sets, 4 cones and teams of 4 on a night with 4 milestones celebrated. All that was left to do was head to the pub for a few beers (although I drew the line at 3, not 4. It was a school night after all)

Report written by Ed Woollard

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Ed Woollard
Led by Ed Woollard

Co-Area Activator for GoodGym York

GoodGymers helping out
  • Back marker

    Make sure that no one is left behind

    • Vicky Hearson

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Weeding at the Fishergate Triangle

Monday 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Vicky Hearson

York CVS, Denham Room

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