

Never short(bread) of friends

6 GoodGymers made their way 10.9km to have an amazing time in Coventry.

  • Liz Pharoah
  • Laura P
  • Deb
  • Lilian
  • Allan Mansfield
  • Charlotte
Saturday, 16th of January 2021
Led by Liz Pharoah

What a lovely way to spend an afternoon. We had a great time, meeting Charlotte, catching up with Allan and the Russian hamsters.

Having shared the quantities, Debora led the cooking demonstration with her little helper. Laura joined in too but made an alternative cake. Not confident with her cooking abilities, Lilian had reserves for just incase.

I think I can speak for us all by saying it was a great way to spend an afternoon with friends and make some yummy biscuits.

Hopefully,we can do this again soon x

Report written by Liz Pharoah

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Sorting at Clothing Coventry

Tuesday 18:15 - 20:00
Led by Laura Denham
Coventry Boys and Girls Club

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