Jackie Dines


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Relocating a greenhouse to the Zen Community Garden
🗓Wednesday 31st July 6:00pm

📍155 Beechwood Avenue CV5 6FR

Help Team Springboard provide support to young people

Jackie Dines
3 GoodGymers are going - no space left 😢
Latest activity
Jackie Dines
Jackie Dines signed up to a community mission.

Wed 31st Jul at 6:00pm

Relocating a greenhouse to the Zen Community Garden

Help Team Springboard provide support to young people

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Jackie Dines
Jackie Dines signed up to a community mission.

Tue 13th Aug at 6:15pm

Painting Planters for Willowbrook Care Home

The garden is well used by our Residents and this will enable them to continue to socialise outside and sit and enjoy their outdoor space.

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Jackie Dines
Jackie Dines went on a community mission

Tue 23rd Jul at 6:15pm

In a prickle

Coventry Report written by Jackie Dines

2 Goodgymers walked and cycled to Willowbrook to help out with the outdoor space.

We cleared a pathway through the garden that was overgrown with prickly brambles and trees. The residents can now walk around safely and enjoy the bench at the top with a view of the garden below.

Managed to get some after shots of the paths looking a lot clearer and also spoke to the task owner about returning to paint some planters. She also wants to set up a garden club to show residents how much potential the garden has.

Look forward to returning soon!

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Jackie Dines
Jackie Dines went on a group run

Tue 9th Jul at 6:15pm

Chip off the old block

Coventry Report written by Laura Denham

Last night we had 14 GoodGymers all set for action. We managed to just dodge the downpour and half of us tackled a sweaty run over to the allotments on what ended up being a very warm evening. Turns out I totally underestimated the distance but everyone smashed it.

When the runners arrived, the early birds (who had made there own way there) were already in full swing with Nigel, Graeme, Chris, Claire and James moving bark chippings with wheelbarrows, Jackie on the spreading and Sharon and Steve weeding around the mud kitchen area.

The runners joined in with Chloe, Georgia, Vani and Laura jumping right into the weeding and Dale on bush trimming duties. Before we knew it the communal area was prepped with bark chippings, the beds clear from weeds and the hedge looking neat, all set for their allotment BBQ next week.

With the runners needing to hit the road again we capped it off with a group snap (not snack - ha!) and made our way back to base. A few stayed longer to wrap things up with James and Steve dedicated to completing the brick base for the wormery before the clock ran out.

Fantastic work everyone, Gareth has messaged me this morning to thank you all lots and to say how great you have left the allotments looking. Nice one!

Next week we are gearing up for a rounders game! It might have been a while since some of you played but it should be a great opportunity to stay active and have a great time together (and this time i will be bringing snacks!). If you are not up for playing you can always come for the social, have a chat, help set up and maybe keep score? Hope to see you all there!


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Laura Denham
Jackie Dines
Jackie Dines signed up to a community mission.

Tue 23rd Jul at 6:15pm

Painting Planters for Willowbrook Care Home

The garden is well used by our Residents and this will enable them to continue to socialise outside and sit and enjoy their outdoor space.

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Jackie Dines
Jackie Dines signed up to a community mission.

Tue 23rd Jul at 6:15pm

Garden maintenance at Newland Court

The garden is well used by our Residents and this will enable them to continue to socialise outside and sit and enjoy their outdoor space.

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Jackie Dines
Jackie Dines signed up to a community mission.

Tue 23rd Jul at 6:15pm

Garden maintenance at Newland Court

The garden is well used by our Residents and this will enable them to continue to socialise outside and sit and enjoy their outdoor space.

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Jackie Dines
Jackie Dines went on a group run

Tue 2nd Jul at 6:15pm

Put-tin in the miles

Coventry Report written by Laura Denham

11 Goodgymers strutted there stuff to Carriers of Hope last night, with a mixture of walkers, making their own way there and runners joining the group run.

A big welcome to new recruits; Va, Chris,Michelle Victoryand Bose! Kudos on popping your GoodGym cherry and rocking those snazzy new red t-shirts Bose and Michelle!

The group runners clocked a solid 9km during their jaunt, Chris and Vani you did amazing and thanks to Laura for back marking.

7 of the gang rolled up to Carriers of Hope by 6.15pm, while the rest of us sweat it out on the run. The runners eventually arrived at 7pm, just as the early birds were knee deep in a marathon of checking expiry dates and organising dried food donations into crates including tins,cans, sauces, pasta, you name it.

After a lightning fast 20 minutes the runners went full speed ahead back to CRCB. Meanwhile the rest of the crew kept the food sorting momentum going strong, well done team! Great to see you all, thank you for your hard work.

Next week is a new task at Earlsdon Primary School allotments so hope to see some of you there!

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Laura Denham

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Chris Marrow

Wed 3rd Jul at 1:49pm

Thank you for making me feel so welcome, everyone is doing an amazing job.

Jackie Dines
Jackie Dines signed up to a group run.

Tue 9th Jul at 6:15pm

Earlsdon Primary School Allotments

Giving children access to more green space

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