
Community mission

Bramble in the urban jungle!

15 GoodGymers made their way to help their local community in Hounslow.

  • Anastasia Hancock
  • Andy
  • Sal Wardeh
  • Remy Maisel
  • Michelle
  • Luis
  • Emily Oldfield
  • JP
  • Georgia Ford
  • Ealing runner
  • Leticia Bessel
  • Alan Armstrong
  • Hounslow runner
  • Laura Lowndes
  • Hounslow runner
Wednesday, 7th of October 2020
Led by Michelle

It was feeling decidedly autumnal in Gunnersbury Park last night, which was appropriate because our job was back to tackle those brambles which are so keen to take over!

The team set off armed with clippers and rakes for the trees and set about hacking, lopping and clearing. After an hour of hard work several huge bags were filled with the pesky intruders, and while the final piles were packed up a lucky (haha) group of six were taken off to endure a fitness session.

As it gradually got completely dark - which was perhaps why one GGer almost had to spend the night with the tools in the lodge - we called it a night. (Sorry Chris)

A special massive CONGRATULATIONS to Emily's for her (almost) 100th good deed! Way to go Emily - give her a cheer everybody!

Report written by Anastasia Hancock

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Emily Oldfield
Emily Oldfield
Wednesday October 7th, 2020 22:58

Thanks Ana! Couldn't have done it without you! And the rest of GG Hounslow!

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Washing the Turnham Green mural!

Wednesday 18:30 - 20:00
Led by Anastasia Hancock

Chiswick Town Hall

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