Tower Hamlets

Group run

Arbor than it looks

24 GoodGymers made their way 4.0km to help the Friends of Meath Gardens in Tower Hamlets.

  • Martin
  • John Shirley
  • Jessica Bell
  • Nina Jhatakia
  • Chris Burns
  • Becky
  • Laura Williams
  • Tower Hamlets runner
  • Joel
  • Leo
  • Tower Hamlets runner
  • Rosie
  • Johnny
  • Stephen Tolfree
  • Rohan
  • Robert Cooke
  • Fiona M
  • Tower Hamlets runner
  • Heather
  • Aine Hester
  • Tower Hamlets runner
  • TJ
  • Stephanie
  • Bella Taylor
Monday, 7th of February 2022
Led by Laura Williams

No time to waste

We left our lovely Town Hall Hotel sharpish this evening, as we knew it was going to be a task-and-a-half.

We warmed up quickly on the hotel steps, with mucho multi-tasking: head-counting, planning, light-allocating, stretching and mobilising all in one quick hit.

With Chris leading the run, we headed along Roman Road's bustling back streets to meet the rest of our crew, and the fantastic Friends of Meath Gardens, at the basketball court in beautiful Meath Gardens.

Teams were divided into two to start with: the Cemetery Park Squad and Team Woodchip (but there was later a woodchip sub-squad). Tyres were pumped, trolleys revved and the team were off to the Cemetery Park.

What were they doing?

Well, remaining logs needed collecting from the Cemetery Park who had kindly donated these to the Meath Gardens newly created protected-tree areas. Transport this evening was eventually by Zip van, but...the logs needed piling into the van and unloading. So our runners jogged the mile-long route down the canal with wheelbarrows and trolleys and met the Meath team at the Cemetery!

Woodchip PBs

Meanwhile, the woodchip squad divided into teams of shovelling, wheeling and spreading. It was already hard work but then those bright sparks at the Mulch Mound decided to set an additional challenge of timing each wheelbarrow-run across to the rakers. Joy. "Go, Nina! 1:18 - we reckon that's a PB!" Gruelling!

The time flew: a lot was achieved and the Meath team were happy, as were we, at a fine evening's work.

And the round of applause...

Shout-outs to the whole fantastic crew this evening, especially Chris for leading the run; Áine for some cracking pics of the Cemetery Squad; Áine, Stephen, Simon and Chris for the Cemetery route planning and run-leading... And to Rob, for tonight's pun, the most sophisticated we've seen for a while.

And welcome to Jess, who joined us for her first Group Run. Hope to see you very soon, Jess!

We'll be returning to Meath soon to join a weekend tree-planting effort, and for a Monday Night Mulch Return.

Meanwhile next week, we're back to Kedlestone Community Centre as we join Margaret (and the tin of Heroes) for more gardening, glasshouse and Centre fun.

Until then.

Report written by Laura Williams

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Laura Williams
Led by Laura Williams

Lucky enough to be the Area Activator for Tower Hamlets. Personal trainer. Seriously sweet tooth.

GoodGymers helping out
  • Photographer

    Take photos for the session report

    • Aine Hester

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