Fiona M


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Fiona M
Fiona M went on a community mission

Mon 22nd Jul at 6:40pm

Plant wait 'till next time

Tower Hamlets Report written by Laura Williams

What a beautiful evening for tonight's task!

Shortly before 7 a good-sized group gathered in the corner of the Royal London Hospital forecourt to speed through tonight's short fitness session.

It was a fantastic area to workout in, complete with steps and small walls, perfect for shoulder-taps and step-ups.

We headed over to meet the rest of the team after a few stretches, delighted to see how steadily our little group was growing.

Following a briefing from Nancy and Richard, we divided into small teams, each tackling one of these large planters.

The planters are a good addition to the A&E area of The Royal London Hospital, but needed a good weeding after a damp and mild start to summer. Armed with gloves and bin bags, off we headed, determined to get the better of some giant thistles, nettles & co.

To say it didn't take the team long was an understatement. The first planter was clear well before 7:30, leaving plenty of time to turn the soil, ready for Operation Planter Part II.

With a new team put to work on weed and rubbish disposal, we were done and dusted - literally - at a quarter to 8!

What a fun evening.

A big shout-out to the team, especially to Ismet, who joined for his first, brilliant task.

Next week, we're back to the Yurt Cafe for one last final push in the landscaping project!

Until then.

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Harvey GallagherStephDucatMadhan
Fiona M
Fiona M signed up to a community mission.

Mon 22nd Jul at 6:40pm

Fiona M
Fiona M went on a race

Sat 15th Jun at 8:45am

Bringing the GoodGym sunshine vibe to a lovely (rainy) parkrunday

Bristol Report written by Melanie Young (she/her)

The blue skies may have left the scene but GoodGymmers far and wide had gathered at Telford parkrun from the Shindig and elsewhere, bringing their own sunshine to the gathered masses.

With first timers joining the parkrun family, people bagging their alphabet T plus seasoned parkrunners and volunteers, a huge group cheered in the final parkrunner and her entourage of tailwalkers and marshals gathered along the way.

The results are published for anyone interested in that sort of thing and we look forward to hearing of future parkrun adventures from you all!

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StephDucatHarvey Gallagher

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Jacob Harriss

Mon 17th Jun at 2:07pm

Thanks for making it happen Melanie!

Bristol runner

Mon 17th Jun at 3:48pm

Amazing support at the finish :)

Jack Da Silva

Mon 17th Jun at 6:19pm

Thanks for organising Melanie!

Fiona M
Fiona M signed up to a race.

Sat 15th Jun at 8:45am

GoodGym Shindig x Telford parkrun

A great start to Shindig Saturday

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Fiona M
Fiona M went on a community mission

Mon 10th Jun at 7:00pm

The wheel squeal

Tower Hamlets Report written by John Shirley

It was a later start than usual, allowing plenty of time for the rain to clear away. Our long-time friends Margaret and Ash, from the Teesdale & Hollybush Tenants and Residents Association, were well organised as usual, with plenty of hoes and brushes available for some of our number to embark on weeding and then sweeping the paths of the estate's community food garden.

Another group made their way to the far side of the square to shovel soil from a vast pile and transport it in wheelbarrows to the garden. For once, none of the wheelbarrows had a flat tyre, but one of them was emitting an ear-piecing squeal until Ivo worked his magic on it, and it squealed no more.

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Harvey GallagherStephDucat

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Laura Williams

Tue 11th Jun at 4:00pm

Well done for leading another great session, John.

John Shirley

Tue 11th Jun at 4:15pm

It was a bit chaotic without you Laura, but we muddled through. Looking forward to seeing you again

Fiona M
Fiona M signed up to a community mission.

Mon 10th Jun at 7:00pm

THE BIG MONDAY NIGHT TASK: Gardening in Rocky Park Community Garden

Tonight we return to Rocky Park for some more gardening activity!

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Fiona M
Fiona M went on a community mission

Thu 30th May at 6:00pm

The road less gravelled

Tower Hamlets Report written by Fiona M

Tonight we helped Larry to resurface a key area of the outdoor space for the Yurt cafe and Foundation of St Katherine's. Our mission was to remove the old gravel, cover the patch with fresh underlay then add the new gravel. Simple in theory, but the task was not to be underestimated in just over an hour. A big welcome to Tyler who completed his first Goodgym task and definitely got stuck in shovelling the gravel into wheel barrows and securing the new underlay. We worked diligently to finish our patch which went from looking tired to a welcoming space with new white gravel. We even had a DJ to power us through the task thanks to the Limehouse cafe garden where we gathered for a post-task pizza and drink. Thanks everyone for all your hard work!

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Harvey Gallagher

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John Shirley

Fri 31st May at 3:48pm

I was looking tired as well

Tower Hamlets runner

Sat 1st Jun at 6:12pm

It was great fun and good to see you all - well done Fiona for keeping us on task.

Fiona M
Fiona M signed up to a community mission.

Thu 30th May at 6:00pm

Transforming the Yurt Cafe garden space

This space is open to the public and will provide a new outdoor space for socialising and meditation.

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