February Trail Run

A run in the downs to Lewes finishing at a pub!

Ditchling Beacon
Date and time
12:00 - 14:10
Sunday, 19th of February 2023

It's Febraury, it's still cold, it's still dark but we're still trail running! This months run is a point to point from Ditchling Beacon all the way to Lewes. The start will be at 12:00 at Ditchling Beacon, there is a car park at the address I've listed but there are also buses that stop there too, so easy to access. I will be gettig the 79 from the centre of Brighton on the day so we can arrange to meet at a bus stop if people would like.

You'll be pleased to hear the route involves a nice long descent along fairly surdy terrain all the way into Lewes Town Centre where we will head to a pub (pub TBC there's too many good options!). The route is approximately 9.5km in total. If the run is too far people are welcome to walk or cycle but might need to do so independent from the group depending upon on your speed.

Here's the route: https://onthegomap.com/?m=s&u=km&w%5B%5D=Routes+may+not+be+suitable+for+public+use.&c%5B%5D=Route+data+%C2%A92023+On+The+Go+Map%2C+OpenStreetMap+Contributors&d=9519&f=6b2bb6638f&n=1&dm=1&context=share&r2=wurs9nyK5EBO1OJm1n1i3b1c39Kf1a3DEF7709E3A0M1e2Dq2Hq1RW2LY2X2kBr2y9d1e5Lo31Y1Be11y30c5m2qFSm82u6Mq3Ae2SyAEa83a1j1s8Pw3d2qBPo5n1a9p2cC0GDw13Y15S7g3f1WDHu5X1i81e19MBi2z1qBd1e57Q9k2J_27k4X1yCf1iENkBb1gGDs63qJJi5Jy35a1F_1Z1o7n1i5x4YDz1e7l1m6Vm57c4Hw3Hw3Z2s8z1y3v2i5X4q7t4s9d2g6p4cHh1_618FY3Vg37o2r1o5f1Y3Ts1z3m5v3Y5t3e5X3s3l4y57s1r1i4z1m4b5uB9MPc37a2Ms50_1Dm1DI4I9Cj4y3DEVAL756d1a1j8gEz5mBn2s5Ta2l1s2z1_2d1q1742O6Ep1m1Rg21Y2Im64W12W1CY66g34W2b2a6737SLi1v3c12Cx1Oh2e1r5W5z2_2l2i1p2y1h3u2d1Ux2s1h1Ij16R1Jw2Jg3Dq45w13Q1a2Re93m17u1Py2Ju1Jq1Jw1Ne2Dm25u13a15q23i40e13_23u2Ba1Ba21a10S4c2244Q2I2Cg1k5Y1o308W1_3Qy2AY1Km1

Who's going

  • Angela Mynott
  • Brighton runner
  • Paul
  • Doug Pearman
  • Michelle
  • Amro
  • Carla Washbourne
  • Brighton runner
  • Michael Pirrie


John Shirley
John Shirley
Wednesday February 22nd, 2023 11:51

Hope to be able to join another one soon. But I'm down for the Half on Sunday

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Ditchling Beacon
Date and time
12:00 - 14:10
Sunday, 19th of February 2023

Ditchling Beacon

Car Park with bus stop

Michael Pirrie
Led by Michael Pirrie

GoodGym Brighton Run Leader

What to look out for

Age Restriction

GoodGym welcomes anyone aged 18 or over. If you are under 18 then you will be unable to participate in any GoodGym activity

Make sure you've read our general guidelines for safety when running and at a task.

This event is not organised by GoodGym and GoodGym takes no responsibility for your participation in the event.

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