Hope Housing

Charity providing shelter and support

88 GoodGymers have supported Hope Housing with 38 tasks.

Top supporters

Previous sessions
BournemouthGroup run
Caprice McWilliamsDaryl VennerEleanor King
Keith BakerRute Silva

Run in the sun

Monday 17th June

Written by Caprice McWilliams

Runners Eleanor, Rute, Daryl and Caprice met for the Group Run to the session. Rute was excited to show off her new GoodGym T-shirt and she really looked the part. The four of them managed to chat and run, even with the slow steady climb up Old Christchurch Road. Once they got closer to Hope Housing they could see some friendly faces. It was GoodGymers Keith and Lea. Unfortunately they had some bad news, the task had been cancelled. They still managed to get a group photo to prove that they all made it to the task. Even if they couldn't do the session. Rute was still happy to have christened her new Tshirt even if it was just a run in the sun and not an actual task. Oh well, better luck next time.

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BournemouthGroup run
Caprice McWilliamsRute SilvaDaryl VennerJamesEleanor KingChloe Taberner-Ha

Faith, Hope and Charity Shop Clothes

Monday 20th May

Written by Caprice McWilliams

Chloe, Daryl, Caprice welcomed newbie Rute at The Brewhouse ready for the group run to the session. This was much to Rute's surprise as she wasn't expecting a run as just wanted to help volunteer. Luckily Rute loves a good run, so much so that she refused to drive to the session and put her coat in her bag and off she went. What a trooper! Tonight's session was to help our friends at Hope Housing sort through some charity clothing. The runners were met by Eleanor and James who made their own way to the task. The group got to work sorting through Hope Housing's Charity Shop clothing donations. Sorting through the ladies clothing there was Rute, Caprice, Daryl and Julie and on the menswear there was Chloe and James with Eleanor in charge of the children's clothing. It wasn't long until everything was sorted, it's amazing how much can get done with lots of help. Our next sessions to help Hope Housing will be 17th June and this will be a gardening task and on the 15th July we will be helping sort out their hand made soaps. We hope to see you there!

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BournemouthGroup run
Caprice McWilliamsDaryl VennerEmma CuffSophie CuffEleanor KingMilly Corden-lloyd

Folds a lot of promise

Monday 15th April

Written by Caprice McWilliams

Tonight's session was to help our friends at Hope Housing. Daryl and Caprice ran to the session where they were joined by Milly, Sophie, Emma and Eleanor. With summer just around the corner it was time for their charity shop to swap from winter stock to summer collection. The group got to work sorting bags of donations, placing summer clothing into their labeled box. The group agreed it was a very satisfying task, seeing the boxes fill in no time at all. Women's tops and dresses seemed to be the most popular donation. Once all the bags were distributed between the large plastic boxes the GoodGymers said their goodbyes. Hope Housing have asked for our help with some gardening and some point so watch this space for more details!

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BournemouthGroup run
Caprice McWilliamsDaryl VennerEmma CuffSophie CuffJamesMilly Corden-lloydJulie Watts

Mannequin hands make light work

Monday 5th February

Written by Caprice McWilliams

Tonight's session was to help our good friends at Hope Housing. Runners Julie, Daryl and Caprice met for the Group Run to the session. James, Milly, Sophie and Emma made their own way to the task. A big welcome to Emma, Sophie's sister. It was lovely meeting her and we hope to see her at future sessions. At the task we were met by Tony who got us to work clearing and tidying a store room. We created a chain to move everything out of the store room. Emma, Sophie, and Milly got to work sweeping and Julie found a dustpan and brush to clear up the mess. The contents of the room were then returned in a more orderly fashion. With easy accessible item located at the front. These items were to be taken to Hope's Charity Shop located in Southbourne. Many hands make light work as we were all done and dusted in 30 minutes. Next month Tony would like us to tackle the large store room so that should be fun. Next week it's Quiz at Abbeyfield Retirement Home. See you there!!

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BournemouthGroup run
Jenni RobertsJulie WattsOscarMilly Corden-lloydChloe Taberner-HaEleanor King

Hope is where the heart is

Monday 15th January

Written by Caprice McWilliams

What a great turn out for tonight's session. Eleanor, Chloe, Julie, Jenny and Caprice met for the Group Run with Daryl leading the way on his bike. It's was great seeing Jenny again, it's been too long!! It was lovely seeing Julie again, she had been away due to an injured foot, fingers crossed that it's on the mend!

The runners made their way through town and were met at the task by James and Milly who had made their own way to the session.

Tonight's task was to sort donations for Hope's Charity Shop. The group had to categorise and bag up lots of clothing, such as Men's, and Ladies winter and summer clothing, mens and ladies shoes. There were even some dog toys thrown in for good measure! After a good rummage and a sort out the GoodGymers managed to sort everything out in no time at all. Many hands make light work!

We'll be back again to help Tony in a month's time so please do sign up to the session.

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BournemouthGroup run
Caprice McWilliamsJason LeamingDaryl VennerViki MiltonMilly Corden-lloydJamesEleanor King

Let it soap, let it soap, let it soap!

Monday 18th December 2023

Written by Caprice McWilliams

Eleanor, Daryl and Caprice met up for the group Run and made a dash through the Xmas Market, it was busy out there!! Viki, Milly and James met the runners at the task and it wasn't long until Mark and Tony got them to work. The mission tonight was to give the 'Soap Workshop' a good tidy. Millie, James, Eleanor, Viki and Caprice made a chain to move everything out of the workshop. What with it being a soap making workshop the place smelt divine but the floor was incredibly slippery. It was like an indoor skate rink, luckily everyone managed to stay upright!! Once the workshop was tidy, the guys then sorted through and organised the boxes that had been removed. Once everything had found their rightful place, the boxes were moved back into the workshop. Sadly, it was Mark's last day working with us as he is leaving his current role at Hope Housing. We have had some fun times helping him and as thank-you he gave everyone a little soap gift set, what a lovely gesture. It won't be the last time that we will be visiting Hope Housing, we have some dates already lined up for next year. The next one at Hope will be 15th January. Merry Christmas to everyone and we will see you in January for GoodGym's January Challenge! ❤ī¸đŸŒ˛â¤ī¸đŸŒ˛â¤ī¸đŸŒ˛

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